Echoing rep? Cold Blood? Shadow dance?

2 point empowerment
next 5 mutilates all crit
Alt + F4

It’s just preference, I see what your saying and i like that fact you choose to play the way you desire rather then be a meta slave. (Respect)

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Playing something you enjoy allows for better numbers from the character a lot of times also. On jailer, I run around 13k dps or better with no battle shout. It’s a consistent throughput reliable dps.

So like you I dislike that minigame. I think the most frustrating part was that Shadow Technique procs mess you up every time as Sub.

To convince me to play ER as Sub your require them to fix this poor synergy. One way to do it is to give a short grace period (say 0.1s) after a Shadow Technique proc during which your ER consumes the buff even if you’ve just moved away from an anima charged CP. Another solution is to grant the CP on your next CP builder rather than on the autoattack. For exemple, instead of awarding a CP, Shadow Techniques could award a buff that makes your next ability generate an additional CP.



Fantastic solution.

It does happen from time to time… =D

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