Echoing as purge bait

do any tourny players put on echoing purely as an extra thing to purge? Maybe would be good with rdruid?

echoing is terrible

the dmg is terrible yes

It does block purge but there’s so many things you can run that serve greater purposes so it’s not viable

Nope… but I think they will now!
Great idea Dankwubbz :slight_smile:

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id like to thank the academy and my mother for gifting me with 150iq omegabrain


Echoing is now bis at the top end. When I queue into people stacking echoing it’s ticking for like 12-16k. Actually insane damage. It’s like a worse gushing wounds until you get the real gushing wounds.

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Bad purge bait noticed if some1 has high stacks, u press purge on it once takes the whole buff away.

but it builds almost constantly, so they purge it and u have 1 stack again almost immediately

it’s definitely not terrible. Just because they nerf something doesn’t mean it’s bad

It just means it’s not broken anymore

I’m interesting to see 2x t3 echoing voids when your corruption resistance is high enough, damage should be like prenerf i think 10k-17k per hit

I think right now you should be able to wear a rank 2 and 3 at the same time as long as your caught up.