Echo Of Mortality Droprate intended to be so low?

As much as I like grinds, this one feels…Tedious, especially for a pre-order bonus.


Doubt it’s intended to be this low. I’d wait a day, see how things are tomorrow. I don’t expect hotfixes during the convention so it might take til afterwards.


Yeah I just did Freehold and we killed every mob in the place. Not a single Echo.

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It seems bugged considering there are people walking around with the full ensemble after 2-3 Freehold runs, while others are hard stuck at 5 for a day’s worth of trash killing.


From a post on the EU forums, the quest text supposedly says “the most powerful mortals leave behind the most resonant echoes” so it stands to reason that the greater drop chance and/or quantity is in harder content-- dungeons and whatnot.

I only got 4 out of a heroic clear of Eternal Palace.

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I was thinking that initially as well but this doesn’t seem to be the case in practice.

Yeh, something is wonky. I got 4 in one drop off of a Blue World Quest mob. Then only 2 in a complete Heroic EP run.

I feel like it’s no conicidence I got 5 to drop very early after purchasing yesterday, then instantly got 5 to drop immediately at reset, but none after. Seems there is a daily cooldown for some players?

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I was able to grind out all 40 in a few hours. Got 6 to drop last night and a few more. Did the remaining 30 this morning. I recommend getting a group together and heading to the Blood Gate. That seems to be where people are having success. Echos were dropping for all of the group members.

You can farm them in a couple hours at the Blood Gate, the Azeroth quest in Vul’dun, or at the Farmhouse in Arathi Highlands (the one with all the syndicate highwayman) they despawn super fast in a group

Farming for 2 days, got 1 from Gates and 17 from Azeroth quest in Vol’dun… It has to be a bug like wtf.

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Just spent a solid 40 minutes farming. I got 2, another guy got 9. A W E S O M E.

Blizzard: “Your preorder rewards!? A broken character boost, a mount that doesn’t count towards your collections, an enchant that falls off your weapon if you enter combat, and a quest with a .00001% drop rate!”

Great fing start. Can I cancel my preorder?


lol right? Everything about the preorder is broken. Like, how do you mess EVERYTHING about the preorder up? I can understand something like the illusion having a bug, but everything? jfc


This is why they test everything on PTR. They can’t exactly test these types of things on a full scale like they do with PTR and reports generated from them. It looks like we just have to wait for them to address these issues, hopefully in a small hotfix tomorrow during maintenance.

Yeah I farmed for 2 & a half hours and got only 4 :frowning:

I just farmed for an hour and received nothing. This was at the Blood Gate where apparently there are meant to be more drops… This is the worst pre order “rewards” I have ever seen.

It should not be a grind… Just give it to us for free. The advertisement is misleading and if I knew that I had to grind for it I wouldn’t have bothered with the pre order at all. Again, Blizzard proving that they know how to take the fun out of literally EVERYTHING!


I didn’t get any for a full week of world quests. (After I sent in a ticket, I DID get eight during a 3 hour grind in the Shirakess area of Nazajtar.) But I found this response rather funny, given that the gm went over to Wowhead and reported what they said there as if I could not do this myself. The point is, you’re Blizzard, tell them to slightly increase the drop rate (no one is asking for a handout, just for the grind to be fun).

<<Doing some investigating into the quest I am able to find that the quest item has a rather low drop rate and while from what I was able to find in WoWhead it sounds like you have a higher chance to get a bundle of Echos each day the drop is not guaranteed.

It could also be that the echos were left on a random mob that didn’t get looted.>>

FYI the first six drops per day for this quest are boosted to something like 5%, which is why you typically see a clump of them within your first few large pack kills. After that the droprate plummets.

This seems to be intended behavior since they’ve never really done such a droprate approach for a quest.

yeah, I finished mine a couple weeks ago and it took me like 4-5 days total. Sometimes after the daily reset I would get like 4-5. But I would fly to Freehold and just pull dang near everything and every so often I’d get a single. If I had to guess, outside of the random 4-6 you’d get daily, I averaged about 1 every 200-300 Humanoid kills. So yeah…pretty low.

I do see custom groups that have Brewmasters as the main pulling thing and groups just endlessly pulling. As alliance, its harder to do Bloodgate, but the Bloodgate blood trolls respawn VERY quickly. It was nerfed on how many drops, but still you can pull MANY humanoids if left alone. But if you are alliance, be wary about occasional horde wanting to farm also.