<Echelon> [H] Is Recruiting

Tues/Sunday 7:30-1130EST

Echelon is looking for several experienced raiders to fill out our raid team and to prepare to push content in AQ.

Schedule: We currently raid Tuesday and Sunday 7:30pm - 1130pm EST. Tuesday will be progression, while Sunday we clear older content.

About us: We foster a respectful raiding environment with little to no negativity. Proper raiding spec and consumables are expected, and although most of our raiders obtain world buffs for each raid, it is not mandatory.

Loot is distributed by Loot Council.

What We Are Looking For: Several ranged DPS as well as several healers. However, any exceptional candidate will be considered.

Please contact: Bloodbull, Hiroko, Alamose, Mokka, or Majeye for information.