Ebyssian should lead the Black Dragon Flight

I really, really hope that somewhere in the developer notes there’s a “So help me, if you two don’t knock it off, I’m gonna turn this dragonflight around!” notation for Ebyssian.

I think it should be all three of them serving as Aspect, since bearing the literal weight of Azeroth on himself led to resentment on Neltharion’s part and made him more susceptible to the Old Gods. That’s if the true Aspect powers are returned.

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Doesn’t Ysera have green armor?

This is the spash screen I was talking about.

Blizz has already said that it is Ysera on the spash screen

Here are the models of Ysera from wowhead.

It was part of the Green story line or in 10.5 where we went to SL to get Ysera and when she came back she told Merithra that she now needs to lead the greens.

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At this point I want a completely new character to take the title of Aspect; I hate all the black dragons so far. Or maybe Voraxian or Osoria - they get on my nerves the least.

That’s an insult ‘round these parts >_>

Ebyssian is the best tauren.

Wrathion was a petulant p-sschild on release and i was fully team Sabellian… but now Sabellian is becoming a petulant p-sschild and im rooting for both of them to fail at becoming aspect

now i just want either Ebyssian or Emberthal to become aspect, and Emberthal would be a spicy twist that i am 110% supportive of

It was the 2nd renown campaign chapter for the Valdrakkan Accord rep.

basic campfire should lead the black dragonflight. its always lit the path forward.

Splash screens mean nothing imo. I mean Shadowlands has Kraxus for the Necrolords but he is killed off very early in the expansion.

The vanilla, TBC and Wrath loading screen art have also changed over the years.

I have to admire Wrathion’s temerity betraying you in the leadup to WoD, then coming back as if nothing happened like “sup guys”, like if the Rubicon had a two way bridge over it. That’s leadership material in my book.

Wrathion team ftw!