Easy way to tame Oondasta quickly(guide)

Proof: imgur(dot)com/a/Sb3fE6Y

For people with friends on RP realms:

Step 1. Ask a friend to fly over to Isle of Giants(preferably moonguard player, but any will do, RP realms don’t have phasing in non-wm).
Step 2. Have them invite you then you fly to the island yourself or just be there already, you’ll phase over anyway. Friend can log off if they like.
Step 3. Wait and tame. Should have next to no competition.

if no RP friends:

Step 1. Use an already existing 80+ char on RP realm(or MAKE A TRIAL) and plant them on isle of giant if hunter is not on RP realm. Make a group in group finder and switch to your hunter.
Step 2. Apply hunter into you rp realm’s characters group. Switch back to rp realm char.
Step 3. Accept your hunter’s invite and switch back to hunter.
Step 4. Accept your group invite and you’ll be phased to that RP realm with an hopefully near empty to fully empty Oondasta spawned, or spawning soon.

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I’d like to add that Oondasta, as well as most other rares, are usually up with WM on. So. That’s also an option.
Not even joking. I have like 9 Loq rings in my bank and a few cloaks from finding him so often with WM on.

So if you’re having trouble, give WM a shot! You’ll usually find Oondasta just chillin’

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Honestly, Moon Guard is not that dead. We have a pretty big Alliance population.


I second the Moon Guard but make sure to wait till 3am or so realm time due to no one there have the one there invite to group and tame away.

I was there at 3am realm time and watched him spawn three times in a row with not a soul around last time even saw him despawn.

I just made simple macro and clicked thousands times until oondasta spawn

/target Oondasta
/cast Tame Beast


Watch out guys, GD told me this was griefing.


how is this griefing? If anything, youre less likely to make people mad if youre going to an an empty server.

Got to the island and just was about to tame him when someone came and killed him. Probably for mount i think or whatever. I was like oof sucks to be me so I just ran around and killed stuff / skinned for a little, waited for him to re-spawn.

Tamed him and that was it. I’m on ED and was in WM. Was rather simple for me, but I can’t speak for anybody else’s experience with it.

Thank you!!!

THIS was what worked for me!

(On my hunter, of course, not my monk, lol)

I was trying to tame him all night and day and I kept getting to 2 percent tame and someone would kill him.
I did the macro and spammed the s**t out of it about 2 minutes before respawn, which seems to be every 15 minutes.
I thought, right, this will work, (NOT) , and said to myself, ok give it a try, it can’t be any worse than what you’re doing! LOL!

I spammed it, and it came up and viola! I got him!!! YES!!!

Of course, after I thanked everyone, someone said, “we had no choice Ahole!” LOL! I said, “make this macro, and spam the s**t out of it!” laughed, and flew away with my new pet. Thank you!

Today, you are my hero!

I did this exact macro, spammed it hard for 7 min or so and soon as it came up I was target’d and taming. Had two other Hunters there and a Pali that was trying to kill it,

BOOM!!! New pet for me and its amazing looking!

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I just walked up and tamed him as he spawned while others were attacking, the tame was complete before he attacked