If you’re like me and don’t have enough time to keep up with the no-lifers that hit 80 already, and you want to get to Dalaran without being extorted by a mage I have a solution for you.
I did this at 73, but you could probably do it as early as 70-71, not sure when you can get the quest. Make your way to Dragonblight from Borean Tundra and head to Agmar’s Hammer. Do the quest chain until you get the flare gun quest for Icemist Village. Use it and fly up to Wintergrasp. You will get dismounted, but you should be able to land up there first. Mount up and head into the keep. Obviously your faction needs to control WG. There’s a portal in there that takes you to Dal. Congrats you’re there for free.
You can do the same thing by simply riding your mount all the up to Icecrown and dropping down into WG, but you’ll likely die to high level mobs a couple times. Also this hinges on your faction controlling WG, so someone would have had to have been there and taken it before you got there. Nice try though.
There’s a quest called “The magical city of dalaran” given by an NPC in pretty much all zones main quest hubs that if you talk to again after obtaining the quest will teleport you to Dalaran.
Abandon the quest and you have a reliable way of getting to Dalaran without needing to pay for a port.
This is how I made a ton of gold the first few days, flew up to wintergrasp and mined for hours. Made over 12k easily since there was no one in the area.
The crystal teleport quest is level 74, obtainable at level 68. so long as you can get into dalaran, you can start the quest. This quest is only relevant if you want to get to crystal forest for your carrots for the cooking daily. It has nothing to do with the flight path in dalaran, which you can pick up at any level.
what you do is get a lock out on a floating island that says Dalaran zone, to sell summons to Dalaran
Then you have a mage at least 74 selling ports to Dalaran
double dip
kinda like those two night elf NPCs that have a scam in feralas to send you up that tree.