Just trying to finish up my mog with a good mount, but I don’t have any fire mounts at all, let alone a flying one.
I started in BFA so I don’t have reps in older factions or anything like that, so any “easy” to get mount would be nice to know about 
The easiest from the top of my head would be the legion class mount for mages (Since you’re a mage). Since it changes colors depending on your spec. So a fire mage would be riding a fire disk.
You can look it up on wowhead under legion orderhall or mount…or something. Hope this helps.
I havent done much of the legion class hall so I assume it would take a decent amount of time?
I think so? I’l try to think up some more. I don’t personally use fire themed mounts. What also might be helpful is looking through the mount collection and researching mounts that you find interesting.
A little bit of time, but less time than farming other fire mounts! Karazhan legion and firelands will probably be your next bet.
I also recommend the addon “Litemount” It will allow you to make profiles for your mount selections. So you can have a “fire” profile for your fire transmog.
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Could go for the heroic firelands mount. There’s the flaming hippogryph from the molten front dailies. Ashes of alar? good luck getting it.
this drops off ragnaros in the firelands raid.
this one is from the firelands dailys. I don’t know for sure if you can still get it from the dailys, but here is a link
There’s a couple from the firelands raid that aren’t too hard either
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Off the top of my head, most fire mounts either require a pretty serious grind or for you to get lucky (Ashes, Pureblood Firehawk, Flametalon).
You might be able to solo the Karazhan mount (Smoldering Ember Wyrm)? IIRC that’s a 100% drop-rate, and if you can’t 1 man it, 2 people should be able to do it really easily.
Apart from that, the Order Hall mount seems the best bet.
Not quite 100%, it’s technically 20% but if you run it with 4 people that have it already you will guarantee yourself the mount.
Legion mounts are a cakewalk… I think they can be done in ~2 days now? It would be one day but one of the quests needs 10 wq on the broken shore and that that will take two days minimum.
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Also, if he hasn’t been doing much class hall stuff at all, it could take a while to get the mission table quests done…and the champions of legionfall mission is usually 8+ hrs long, too.
Ashes is easy to get, but its drop chance is nightmare fuel.
The firehawk from Firelands is probably the easiest to get.
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Farm firelands on every char you have. Then do the eye.
Solar Spirehawk looks great but you may spend a looooong time waiting for it to drop.
Felfire Hawk form the Mountacular achievement is a nice one but thats 250 unique mounts ridable on a single character.
Honestly the Mage order hall or the Hippogryph are the only guaranteed ones with a little effort
The Corrupted Dreadwing is another grind from Tanaan Jungle. More than just flames but has some fiery effects.
There is also the ground mount from the Firelands. From the Phoenix boss. I had it drop twice fairly quickly. But that was twice among a number of runs and never saw it again
The Dark Phoenix is a purple version of the red phoenix from Kael and not perfect, but it’s super easy to get (buy from guild hall vendor, I think you need to be exalted with your guild).
Since most everything else is a random drop chance, look at the class hall and the firelands dailies.
The class hall is no longer time gated (original it was weekly) so you could burn through that at whatever rate you’re comfortable with. The firelands dailies are, well, daily. And I bet it takes about 6 weeks to do those to get the mount.
You can still get it but it will take a while due to the time gated dailies.