Easy nerf to corruption?

Then people would just use surging to fill holes.

Other than the prevalence of locks, I’ve seen more comp variety due to versatility being the premier stat to stack.

The classes that are S tier will still be S tier without corruption.

It’s not so much about that it’s more about how horribly stale the game will be with everyone stacking vers

I think they should probably just nerf them by a flat % across the board when you enter instanced PvP like what they did with the survival azerite traits.

So 12% stat amps only give you 6% in arenas, tentacles/IS tick for half damage, TD does 25% damage instead of current 50%, GW does 50% damage, etc.

This way, it doesn’t effect PVE power which they don’t want to touch.

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I just want a nerf to corruption in general and don’t care how it happens. Figured this could be an option blizzard could take that would nerf corruption stacking and perhaps keep variety. Maybe it’s a complete trash idea tho. Not many people seem to like it lol

Very very sneaky thellendir, just like the rogue you are!!! Sounds like you’re trying to get an rmp buff!!! You won’t trick us this time!!!

Nerf all the rmps!!!

The only remote way of band-aid fixing it, is just disabling it all in areans. Other nerfs and buffs will just be a nightmare and unfair to certain classes at this point.

Maybe make eyeball start at 15 stacks

Or have thing from beyond spawn at 30

just nerf cns major by half

or nerf vers defensive by half

Not saying he’s 100% right either but venruki just suggesting the same thing on stream LOL

Adding diminishing returns prevents some of the outrageous buffs, like .6 second chaos bolts, sure. But beyond that, it solves no other problems.

The corruption system was broken before, it was frustrating and “unfair.” However, it did allow underpreforming specs to get lucky and beat unlucky overpreforming specs.

A hunter with 5 gushings could take on a Destro Lock with only 2 mastery buffs and a rank2 tendie.

It sucked if you weren’t the lucky one, but gave hope to those less fortunate specs. :frowning:

Nerfing gushing tomorrow, or limiting corruption in pvp won’t do anything for those at the bottom. It’ll simply make lock and mages “less” broken.

SO WEIRD that a class that doesn’t use C&S major or vers would advocate for those nerfs. :thinking:

I think they should only nerf Lucid major and mastery/haste amps instead. Thoughts?

Yes 2-3 of the same corruption pieces and no more, this is exactly the solution. Seeing a variety of different corruption in all forms of content, even out of PVP is the solution.

I mean he plays mage and ww. Both of which would wear CnS into set up comps at the very least.

Not sure why you thought posting on a level on a classic toon would be super credible tho lol

You are literally wrong and nobody is going to listen to that nonsense.

why u quote me i’m an rsham player do u know what rsham likes vers for because news flash it isn’t thruput that’s what mastery is for .

and i play enhance for fun guess what enhance also needs ?

are u so stupid u can’t understand that what i’m advocating for is high throughput low passive defense because that’s what actually makes the game fun or are u just a moron

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100% THIS!

Explain? :thinking:

Easy fix is to disable it in instanced pvp.