Easy Death and Decay Fix


Your Plague Strikes and Scourge Strikes cause the Desecrated Ground effect. Targets in the area are slowed by 50% by the grasping arms of the dead while standing on the unholy ground. Lasts 20 sec.

This talent was in WotLK so why not just make your rotational abilities like Death Strike (Blood) , Frost Strike (Frost), Scourge Strike (Unholy) drop a Death & Decay and remove the talent as a whole. Frees up a button we have to click rotationally and makes gameplay much smoother.


Sounds solid for sure. Would be nice if the spell had a specific effect depending on your current spec. Like foggy ice in frost, and bubbling blood when tanking.

Would need tuning but would work. Id still rather see it removed and replaced with swarming mist and adjust applicable affects and abilities/talents to work with that instead.

Do you know how many death and decays would be put with this? Yeah that’s not happening.

If it worked like consecrated blade for ret then It could work

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You clearly never played WotLK then

What is wrong with you?

The way desecration works is that every scourge strike or plague strike places a patch on the ground. If those patches were DnD then it would be absolutely insane and would never happen.

People used desecration on the LK fight to slow the valks and the ground coverage was insane.

best idea ever … this used to work like that in WOTLK haha they just trashed the class at some point for no reason at all

that wouldnt be “insane”…

u are a lfg raider and dont do anything meaninfgful outside of that. your opinion doesnt matter

Yes, it would, it would be insanely overpowered.

Your account is hidden, wonder what you are trying to hide.

No one complained about it when it was in the game. insanely overpowered is a stretch. ur basically saying dnd is overpowered which it isnt. im just gonna block u. u go on every post crying

What you are asking for was never in the game.

What you are asking for would be overpowered. This is what happens with 1 step thinking. What you are asking for isnt going to happen

We didn’t have Cleaving Strikes when it was in the game, nor Haste, nor DR, etc., from standing in DnD.

You can pretty easily balance for permanent modest AoE DoT damage via a 2-point talent (50% chance each). You cannot easily balance for, say, permanent Haste, DR, and 3x-Obliterate-damage-in-AoE.

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Ok now one of the horseman in the hero talent drops a dnd and follows them so what are you saying now?

That, contrary to what you’re implying, a quarter of a small chance giving a brief buff is not a precedent for a permanent buff?

…Does this actually require explanation?

but it exists so that makes the horsmean op according to ur logic

  1. “For ten seconds,” most likely occurring less than once per minute.

  1. “Permanently”, as in 100% uptime following your first disease application or Scourge Strike/Clawing Shadows.

Do you… not see the difference?

just say u dont want to see dk have anything good. every button dh presses is an aoe attack and thats ok but not for a dk tho? the bias is insane

You’re literally asking to make permanent one of the most degenerative parts of DK as if any additional output to come out of that wouldn’t just be balanced around to leave only the worsened gameplay… and I’m the one who doesn’t want anything good for DK?

Go and actually play Frost before you ask for permanent DnD as if it were nothing.

Look at their cast profile on an AoE raid fight and you’ll find that even there almost a third of their GCDs are spent on single-target attacks.

Then go play DH or stay on your warrior.