So, friend just got into wow, and wondering what cool mounts I might be able to get him?
Not “buy for gold mounts”… but maybe a “glory of X” or etc? So far all he has is the garn nighthowl, the twilight drake, and the 10-man version of said drake.
Any tips would be great, thank you!
Well dont forget the Bronze Drake from the culling of Stratholme dungeon.
After that a model I dont see often is the Cata Dungeon Meta drake thats red with a cool lightning effect.
The Riddler Mind Worm is just a few hours of flying around Azeroth
The Lucid Nightmare is a good way to kill some time and really feel you earned it.
Build a stables in their garrison and work on the 6 mounts you can get from there and check the Draenor rare spawns that drop mounts since its not farmed nearly as much anymore.
The hearthstone mount, win 3 games in hearthstone, get a flying blue metal horse.
If they are tailors then the first carpet mount is easy to make.
The Yaks in Kun-lai
The mammoths in Dalaran
and finally, the heirloom mount
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The twilight drake and black drake. If you got the gold go buy him one off the AH >.>
Just looking for something to break the norm a little, but didn’t wanna really “farm” a drop, etc
I’ll have to look into the Cata one. Thanks for the replies!
Carry him through return to karazhan nightbane, that breaks the norm. It’s a 100% drop rate if you get it you can trade it to him:)
The pandaren dragon mounts aren’t too hard to get. Also the Lorewalkers flying disk only takes a few hours.
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Isn’t it only 100% if you run with 5 people? 20% per person?
Ahh yeah it is but ya never know. I can run it with you guys if ya like on Tuesday (I already did it for midnight reigns)
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I’m pretty sure Glory of the Cataclysm raider achievements are all soloable now so if you look up a guide you can knock them out pretty quickly. If you’re looking for a cool grpund mount the coalfist gronnling & Garn Nightfang are usually very cheap on the auction house and both really cool.
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Start doing your weekly Lich King kills in Icecrown Citadel for “Invincible” (winged black horse).
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you could try looking up a guide to get the Lucid Nightmare. it only took me a day, and while the puzzles can be a bit tedious i found it was altogether quite fun
Throw me a add if you like! We could also farm out the sky shards for the ruby
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The War Bear from the Zul’ aman dungeon isn’t too hard to get. You could run through there and get in in a try or two.
There is also another WoD one that came off the mission table but was not BOP or BOA- the Coalfist Gronnling. You could find it pretty cheap on your AH most likely. Here is a Wowhead guide to mounts: