Easy character titles to farm


What are the easiest titles to farm?

titles from old heroic/mythic raids seem to be the easiest

to name a few


You can get “X the Patient” just by doing LFG while you level. “Ambassador X” can be gotten by wearing your faction’s tabards while you do the former, and you get 20-slot bags for it too.

Personally I like the Legion ones the most though, e.g. Grandmaster, Farseer, Highlord etc. You can get a lot of the order stuff done while leveling through the content, and even more by coming back after you hit level cap, plus unlock transmogs, allied races, toys, recipes etc.


Can people still get Jenkins?


“the Patient” requires heroic dungeons, which people can’t normally do while leveling.

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Oh shoot, you’re right. It was added during Cata to reward folks who did that.

I think it works with Timewalking though? Those are heroic.


One of the best titles in the game, but unfortunately of a short duration. It expires.

I know! pepehands

Firelord is my favorite who doesn’t want to be Firelord?!? You just have to defeat Ragnaros in the firelands it’s a cataclysm achievement. I believe it has to be done on heroic difficulty and the raid is in Mount Hyjal zone which is no problem to get to with flying and now. Also if you just kill trash and reset as fast as you can in a couple hours you can farm a 100k plus easily at 120.

Is there a ‘Doctor’ or ‘Nurse’ title to go with the ‘Patient’?


I have a frost mage, and am sadly dissapointed with the selection of ice-related titles. Frostborn would be a nice one

Also, just run old mythic raids. That’s how I got most of mine lol

How did you even find this thread to necro


Is there a Necro title for bringing this thread back?

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2 year Necro, well done!

I was about to make a necro post but you guys did not disappoint.