Eastern Kingdom to Darnassus ... HOW?

(Allicance) I forgot there’s no harbor in Stormwind! LOL

I tried going from Menethil Harbor to Theramore, but at level 21, got spider-killed on the way to the Barrens. Is that the ONLY way? Or is there a better way?

Thanks for any help.

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There’s a separate boat in Menethil that goes to Dark Shore (Auberdine), a stones throw from Darnassus.

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Awesome, thanks, Bonkeybee.

If you look up the Tips and Trick episode 3 by MadSeasonShow, he explains some strategies of dying in certain spots on purpose to skip parts of zones on your cross-continent travels

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Yeah I watched that video, but didn’t have anywhere at the time to place the knowledge. :+) I’m not even trying to level quickly; just enjoying the “old memory” exploration at the moment.

I did the trip from Darnassus to Stormwind on my Night Elf a few days ago to learn two-handed swords. I never really played Alliance back then (another Night Elf actually till about lvl 40ish, but kind of abandoned when BC came out…) so I’ve never really been in those low level zones at all.

The journey was awesome. I stocked up on a few things to survive the trip, i.e. swiftness potions to run away from any high level mobs and such. Made it though wetlands alive, then I suddenly remembered the tunnel system leading up to ironforge in the mountains as I approached them, so it was fun going up those paths. Really cool area.

Being back in ironforge was great, I had only been there back in the day when we would raid cities, so the nostalgia was pretty high hopping on the tram to go to Stormwind.

Took me about an hour overall, followed by some mining just outside Ironforge, walking around that zone for the first time ever before eventually heading back to Darnassus. I love “Nordic” type landscapes in rpgs, maybe I should get around to making a Dwarf or something…

Anyways sorry for that, bored at work and looking forward to get home and play some more in a couple hours lol

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I started WOW in 2004 I think, and did everything the hard way. LOL The memories of these low-level zones are still great though. I also did the night elf thing at first, but mistakenly chose holy priest, so leveling was super difficult. By Wrath, I had a kick-a$s shadow priest and we raided hard in those days. I’m older now, and taking it much easier, just enjoying the time spent in Azeroth of Old (so far). There’s something very enjoyable about how relatively crude it is, and simple, without everything worked out perfectly, always handing the player the easiest way out. I’ve been killed so many times in the last week or two it’s ridiculous! :+) But really FUN so far …


Couldn’t agree more. I’m enjoying just standing there slowly smacking level 15 quest mobs on my warrior, a lot more than I thought I would this time around. “Wow 103 crit!” or “FOUR parries in a row, are you serious? Now I’m going to die!” or pulling a mob out of a house, and 3 others come out as well “Aaaaaaahhh, ruun!”

Lol, so far it’s been great. Just did my first hour of wpvp in hillsbrad the other night, the good old tug of war between Tarren Mill and South Shore, real messy bunch of level 20-30s doing their best lol.

I wonder what I’ll be doing tonight :joy: