I have a feeling most people will say demon hunter.
But just curious what tank do you think is the easiest for the mage tower?
I have a feeling most people will say demon hunter.
But just curious what tank do you think is the easiest for the mage tower?
According to Wowhead, it’s between Monk, Demon Hunter, and Warrior tanks.
But with wowhead it’s says “based on the ptr testing, class x is the easiest.” Gotta take that with a grain of salt
The Mage Tower challenges in live WoW were buffed from what they were on the PTR. Wowhead gave one of their recommendations in their recent article about how two top players did all 36 challenges.
Dunno why people think Prot Paladin is hard. I did Prot Paladin pre-nerf, would’ve killed it in sub-2 hours easily with 10% less health on Kruul. Prot Paladin doesn’t have the storm cast on Horrors and can range Variss hard.
Two of the best players in the world isn’t a good indication of what thus content is tailored to.
Those guys probably prepped hard for months for it.
Demon Hunter is quite forgiving, you get knocked back and u just glide back onto the platform
They might still be able to give good recommendations for what is easiest for the average player.
What he said and i dont think people dont know what the mechanics are . Whats failing them is the overtuning . They might give ideas about gears though