Easiest helear to master for newbie?

what would you say for a new player is the least complication healer to learn and do well in pressure situations?>

Healing is generally complicated if you do M+, PVP, or raiding. It’s not hard to learn, but it is hard to master. You have to focus on dispells, dpsing time to time, and managing your mana. But also making sure you know when to use certain healing abilities in certain situations.

All of them except for a few like Disc priest, are fairly simple-ish, some more than others. For example, some have a lot more defensives than others. Or some are mostly hots than rather on demand healing. Or your dps is your healing.

I’d say the simplest one is holy priest but even then some people struggle with it. Restoration druid isn’t hard but I’ve seen a lot of bad restoration druids.

If you generally cannot handle pressure then you cannot handle healing. Healing is stressful in the content I just mentioned. Just because healing is this stereotype of “oh, it’s so easy!!!” it’s not, it’s only easy if you know what to do and are willing to take toxicity and crybabies.

I’d probably suggest a restoration shaman or perhaps a holy priest. Rsham has a lot of totems that you need to sort of memorize and learn to use but it’s not impossible

Appreciate the response. I am not worried about pressure I will put in the time to learn the class I just want to not start with what might be the hardest. I was interested in the priest Holy that is but was told they have a ton of abilities

The two that are always top of the “easy” list are Holy Priest and Restoration Shaman.

It’s not exactly that they’re easy in the sense of few buttons, not much pushing, but they are both pretty natural to play, and less affected by fight mechanics:

  1. someone takes damage
  2. you heal damage.

Other classes/specs are more reliant on anticipation of incoming damage.

With Disc, you are doing a lot of shielding; with Resto Druid, you need to know in advance how many HoTs you need up, and so on. Monk and Paladin have movement concerns as well.

I saw this video recently from someone who does actually heal at high levels. It may explain more than a quick note from a non-healer here could:


thank you I will check it out