Easiest healer?

I realize it’s a subjective and rather open question, but I’ve tried resto druid and holy priest.

Despite guides saying holy priest is easy because it’s the classic “reactive” healer… I’ve actually found resto druid a lot easier. Being able to prepare for damage, rather than waiting and then whack-a-mole, suits me better (plus the multitude of holy priest abilities can be slightly annoying).

In any case, what healer do people recommend for raiding as a somewhat new healer and why?

I always like to recommend Mistweaver Monk when questions like this pop up. Main reason for that being that their most important raid healing spells are fire-and-forget smart heals. You could quite possibly get away with not even having or interacting with raid frames just as long as you slam Essence Font and Renewing Mist on CD.


I have every class/spec of healer. I think Druid’s are the easiest and most fun. Though I also love Resto Shaman.


I mostly heal on druid, but I’ve done pally, shammy, and holy priest. I’ve found all of them work well for me once I get used to the class/spec.

I think what works best depends on your own personality type and what you prefer.

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Ive found resto druid pretty fun and easy, has a ben my main so id say go resto druid, holy priest is a close 2nd

Any spec you play for a decent amount of time will get easier. Druid, Shaman, and Holy Priest, are the “simplest” if you don’t dive into all the battle-shifting nonsense that Resto Druids can get up to at a higher level. I’d recommend against the melee-based healer specs if you’re unfamiliar with the role, though.

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I’m gonna say disc priest. Doesn’t really get much more complicated than “shield tank, keep up shadow word pain, penance on cooldown, spam smite”

Holy priest has about 40 buttons.

I’ve always though resto shaman was the easiest healer.

They have a bunch of utility that can add complexity, but their fundamental healing kit is absurdly simple. You just riptide on CD, spot heal with healing surge, toss out a cloudburst to deal with spikes, and keep healing rain on melee, and maybe chain heal when the situation calls for it. But it’s mostly just riptide and healing surge.

whichever one you find yourself happy to log onto and play. if you feel motivated to play it, then you’ll practice it just by playing it and it’ll become easy

In current iteration of disc priest lot of the healing is coming from Absorbs especially if you spec into aegis shield

I feel like other healers are going to get mad like they did in MoP and say " HUR DUR ABsoRBs Ain’t REAL healing, GIT GUD" :rofl: