Earth/Water Shield Macro

Hello fellow Shamans. Quick question for the Resto Shamans out there. Since we can have two shields up at once, is there a way macro earth and water shield together? Like casting one, but if it is already active, cast the other. Want to see if I can consolidate self casts into one button.

“Cast sequence” will do something different each time you tap it. So I have this macro that I call “Suit Up” - Just press it 3 times and you’re ready for battle…

/castsequence [@player] reset=3 earth shield, Water Shield, Earthliving Weapon
/use Dreambound Augment Rune

You can remove the line for Dreambound Augment Rune if you don’t have it.

With “reset=3” in there it will reset back to Cast Earth Shield on self if unpressed for 3 seconds. This lets me reapply my own Earth Shield mid-combat with 1 press, or Earth Shield + Water Shield with 2 presses.

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Beauty, I didn’t know this was possible!