Earthquake should look and behave similarly to Evoker upheaval

I just hate having to target the ground for earthquake, it feels really bad. Also the dot component on the ground also feels bad because mobs can move out of it. Also the animation just feels outdated.


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I think earth breaker from plunderstorm is exactly what ur suggesting. I had another post where I suggested replacing that with the earthquake we have now.


I don’t think it’s that bad honestly, and don’t mind it being ground-targeted. 6 seconds isn’t bad. Maybe a happy middle ground would be change to to do its full and same amount of damage in 4 sec.

It feels extremely clunky to use. Tuning aside, it doesn’t feel good to use.

A happy middle ground would be to add some talents/nodes that alter the behavior of the spell. We have Elemental Blast which replaces Earth Shock. Why can’t we have another spell that alters or replaces Earthquake? Make it so that whenever you use earthquake it summons a magma totem, or make it so earthquake emanates from a main target.

Elemental Shamans need some love. Feels like we are overlooked.

I like that some classes/specs use ground-targeted spells. But I also think there needs to be a reward for when you use them properly (prediction / ie. place the center where you think the tank is going to be moving to, and the edge to overlap where they are currently) and/or when you get full use out of the ground-targeted spell.

For example - Earthquake, DND, Blizzard, and Rain of Fire - should do more damage than Implosion or Divine Storm or anything else that does emanate from the target. In a perfect world, this would be the case - but obviously in practice, balancing like this (some spells have cons but are more rewarding when their full effect is seen) has been long forgotten…with some of those specs that use them (ele - and to some extent Frost DK) just gets left behind in the dust.

I’m not against it - and it would be a QOL upgrade. I mean EQ is already a remnant of its past - largely useless to cast for anything other than giving you more instant Lava Burst procs…and that’s after a 50% buff to it.

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