Earthfury -Lockdown

I just wanted to say that all of my friends and family took a free transfer to this server months back when it was a low pop server. Now we are all here and have established our characters, but we have more family that would like to play with us. I hope that Blizzard gives us options to allow my friends and family who are just now creating characters to make one on Earthfury or allow us all to transfer our characters out at no cost so we can all play together again. Thanks :slight_smile:

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It’s good to dream big

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I doubt they will unlock Earthfury any time soon. When they opened transfers from Incendius they opened the floodgates and they took too long to close them.

Honestly, I think they nerd to faction lock most servers, like Herod and any other server with a serious Horde skew. This used to be the only server with a serious Alliance skew (that I am aware of), but locking the server is a good thing, both to keep queue times down, and to prevent a slight Horde imbalance from becoming a serious one.

I’ve heard that you can now create characters on this server. I hope this helps.