Earthfury is dying

Earthfury is one of many servers posted about on this forum where most of the playing population have long transferred off and many of the big-name guilds left are on their way out. Many people in my guild and people in other guilds have too many alts which they have invested in for months now and xferring will cost a lot of money. We need free xfers off the server or I know within the next few months a lot of people will quit the game due to no activity outside of raid and others will quit with their friends/guilds breaking away from the game.


won’t your transfer off accelerate the dying process?

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Eh EF is long past being saved.

Its been dying since August… but p3 on the horizon is really accelerating things. EF needs free xfers, idk what blizzard is waiting for.

Blizzard is aware of the issue and they are working on a fix. Read more about here. Just be patient.

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This is a meme right? Lol. They only reason they havent turned free xfers on is because people still keep on buying xfers. Herod, Sulfuras, EF, Fairbanks, and Whitemane alliance are still buying thousands of xfers a day.

Hoping once those cool down and each of those servers / factions is down to idk 1kish free xfers will open back up. But they are making insane money every day on xfers so why ruin that.

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if there was enough population to buy thousands of transfers per day… they wouldn’t need them in the first place.

i call it false.

Well nowadays, people consider realms with >20k population to be dead realms. I think the reality is setting in for some people that they just prefer full mega servers and don’t actually care for small/medium/high pop servers. But that really isn’t an excuse for Blizzard to give you free stuff.

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Funny enough you could send 90% of xfers back to where they came and it would fix dying severs faster.

Transfered to bene from EF and still dealing with mostly EF players. It’s stupid and a waste of money lol

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Yep. All the big guilds remaining on earthfury are talking about xferring. Place is dead in a few months guaranteed

Well most people are buying like . 4 to 8 xfers.

Just a week or so there was a single guy who bought like 16 xfers complaining.

So you don’t need a thousand people for a thousand xfers. You need like 200. If that.

I mean EF was one of the biggest servers in NA with a healthy population. Not huge but a solid 7k population for a long time.

Then all the alliance left because theyd rather play with 12k (at the time) alliance than 2500. Horde kept tight for a while but as faerlina grows it looks too appealing. The snowball started and here we are.

EF is probably at around… 1200ish next ironforge update if we’re lucky.

We didn’t do anything to deserve this. Why should we be forced to pay $25 (per character mind you) just to play the game because players killed the game for you. There’s not a game in the world that would do that.


My guild is holding out as long as we can keep our raids going but I know how this all plays out. So no further expectations there, other than to say the guild is healthy but I hope it survives a transfer because transferring is one of those top ways to kill a guild.

Either way for two years Earthfury was a great server, it kept me totally into the game and had everything I wanted, and I’ll never forget any of that. I still remember tons of good things about my Vanilla server and this will be the same.

Sadly, for me, when the ally mostly left it wasn’t the same and I started raid logging and looking for what wanted out of the game elsewhere since I don’t find a lot of fun in WoW being a single faction game. :frowning: Which I know didn’t help anything on Earthfury but that’s how it goes. All of the PVP servers have played out the same regardless.

Anyway, maybe free transfers will be offered at some point. Yes, there are definitely people on the fence who will quit the game, especially if their guild falls apart. Free transferring would probably help a bit of that and at least keep more guilds alive and people together. Like I said in the other thread people should consider holding off with alts anyway as much as possible in case Blizzard does end up doing more as they did in November.


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