Earthern Race

If they give the new race Soar to fly and slow fall, and shadowmeld, and stun resit with break control ability, a teleport, 10% faster walk and a blink ability, then I might consider playing them.

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Dwarven popularity is at an all time low, Horde doesn’t care about dwarves, alliance barely cares enough to have them around. With 3d armor pieces like your chest it messes with your beard in the game and the clipping makes it really bad so thats a negative on playing a dwarf so if that issue isn’t fixed with the earthen then this would be an extremely bad call.

In my honest opinion regardless of community feedback / outlook. I say any allied race was a bad call. Could of been Ogre’s, could of been naga or high elves. As I think they need to work on literally anything else than a new skin for your character. The quality of the game matters more than the cosmetic of your player. But it seems they are doing so much right that i’m pretty neutral atm. I am not going to play one, nor do i care enough to try.

Many people will not care and will not roll one, I will think it will be more rare to see them than pandaren. Blizzard will feel like they wasted time, we will feel like they wasted time, and hopefully we can come out on top by using this mistake as a learning curve of what people actually want when it comes to races.