Earthen unable to even drink water

Why? What’s the point? Is the only way for healers to get mana is to spend 2k a gem?


They should be able to drink. Rocks drink. I mean, it hurts them, but they do it.

Ultimately, the Earthen are Dwarves, and Dwarves don’t drink water.

Dwarves drink beer lol

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That’s just Dwarf propaganda to make them sound cooler. They actually subsist on a diet of cotton candy and juice boxes.

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I hate this part of the lore so much that my Brewmaster (…in my head canon…) drinks tea. Those brews are teas.

It’s a good thing you don’t play the Brazilian version of WoW.

In the BR version there’s no ambiguity. “Brewmaster” in Brazilian Portuguese is “Mestre Cervejeiro”.

And beer in Portuguese is “Cerveja”.

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I could 100% see earthen healers not getting accepted to mythics because they can’t drink. How did this even make it to live?

Yep. Wouldn’t play a Master of Beer.

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A race only for the rich healers. Blizzard is drooling over the token sales.

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I have a contrastive thread started on this exact issue and the problems it causes along with some possible fixes.

Instead of making new threads with minimal responses we need to just blow up one single thread so Blizz will notice and Hopefully provide a solution. I listed a few options in that thread.

Please share concerns there. Only way we will get Blizz to notice and do something

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