As the Mayor of Thunder Bluff, I’d like to thank all of you for your continued support of our Server, and I look forward to seeing you vote in the upcoming Elections.
I see a lot of cute names, sup
As the Mayor of Thunder Bluff, I’d like to thank all of you for your continued support of our Server, and I look forward to seeing you vote in the upcoming Elections.
I see a lot of cute names, sup
Palemane the orc hunter. First in Gurgling Murlocs and then in Succession.
Gonna be on Bloodsail. Maybe Grobb. Say hey if you feel like it.
What I remember is he was leading a huge guild, like every guildless person joined that guild. Also, he quit WoW early and then Aviva took over (female undead rogue).
Memory’s hazy, Aviva either left the huge guild for SR or she left SR to go back to that big guild.
Koryne was the original GM of Lucid Dream. (Who I ran into on the forums a while ago, btw, they said they’d be back for Classic too though we didn’t have servers back then so who knows on what server).
The Vespsomething mage sounds familiar but I can’t come up with the rest of their name at the moment.
How can anyone forget VESPILLO?
Aviva came from Vile Smile if I remember correctly… it’s only been 14 years.
Malakied, orc rogue, hopped realms a few times but this was my starting place. Lyracea was actually the original GM of Lucid Dream. I was one of the founder of it also. Koryne came later.
Khodumodurno was leader of blacktooth grin when i played.
I support this message.
So… if we can see someone’s armory profile, that’s cause they logged in, right?
You guys hear Warcry got a glaive?
Hey! I do remember you AND your old man! Hope he’s doing well!
Jaklyr! Hey buddy! Are you and your sordid brothers planning to play Classic? If so, where?
Hey Sahna! I remember you being in Dissonance for a spell as well! Good to hear from you.
Names even I remember. Freyana gave my warrior his first epic, I think it might still be in the bank. And I remember Rany/Drakis.
Zulnar, Troll Shaman who said ‘‘Eh’’ a lot
Claws of the Earthmother
Jinlen, Soulhatcher, Peacemaker, Torgath
We managed to track down a great many former Shadow Remains people but we’re still missing so many, is anyone still in touch with any of the following by any chance?
I had joined Shadow Remains in TBC if I remember correctly.
Mourning All, and the obligatory… GET OFF MY LAWN!™ Namine, Narsh, Cami, Ithras, Chemosh, Icky nice to see you all. Hoping to see some of you around on Vesp on Mankrik or Bellataur on Bloodsail Buccaneers. Oh, and a friendly reminder to everyone intending to raid: You aren’t a precious unique snowflake, you’re a cog in a machine. Shut up and do your job.
Ah, that’s better… posting from an alt made to mock Aby, how embarrassing.