Earthen Ring Alliance Reconnections

Arkel! Holy crap, Bronze Dragon Lords! Haha, that was fun and mildly stressful all at the same time.

I can’t remember if I was playing my Rogue or Warlock when I was raiding with them.

Solaravalon was my Night Elf Rogue
Obiedubanubi was my Human Warlock.

I played Solaravalon, my Night Elf Rogue all throughout Vanilla and then switched to my Human Warlock, Obiedubanubi, during BC.

Solaravalon and Obiedubanubi were in the guilds; Mischief and Malice, Bronze Dragon Lords, and then Conspiracy… which later merged with Dark Blade for WotLK.

Sprinckles, question, is your guild or members of your guild planning on making a guild of LGBT players on a Classic server? Some friends are going to play on Myzrael and I’m looking for a guild to join… it’s a long shot but I thought I’d ask.

Awesome guild name, btw.

I used to be a night elf, way back when. Remember lots of names.

Started raiding with Zeezee and the boys in Legionnaires, was there at the startup of DoV from a pvp team through 3 renames and eventual collapse.

I miss running around Ogrimmar with Dyerseve.

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Are you reforming TH?

Used to play a Night Elf Hunter named Legault. Miss playing with Damo, Rellick, Takhasis, & Angelixa.

Moved over to Burning Blade before the release of BC.

Tumult - Human Mage/ Socio - Human Warlock
Council of Fate -> Einheriar -> Fury
I remember a looooot of names from this thread, good to see!
I’ll probably be playing horde this time around on a pvp server, not sure yet specifically. Feel free to hit me up on discord if anyone is doing the same. Socio#5432


Night Elf Druid
The Eleventh Hour

There are lots of people I’m trying to reconnect with. I already see some familiar faces here. Good to see you all. ^-^

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Yes, that was my guild . I am pretty sure Rialyssa is still in the guild, too.

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I remember Dyerseve. Weird guy but very cool.

Baranalot, Human and warrior.
• i bounced around a lot but mostly remained guildless
• anyone really I may eventually play on classic, but not right now.

Also so many people I remember here

theres so many damn names i recognize in here.

Now that server names are out, im planning on fairbanks. anyone else going to be heading there?

IIRC, Sethmont died a few years back.

Damn thats a bummer :frowning:

Buliwyf (paladin) here. You may remember me from such greatest hits as “Who’s on kings?”, “Murlocs are gnawing on my spleen”, and “I’m really, really sorry for divine interventioning the tank just before our would-be first Chromaggus kill. Really.”

Also known as Deckard (warrior) and Kinetic (hunter). I’ll be on Bloodsail Buccaneers. My blizzard tag is Nelno#1621.

Rather excited for this. I got all three of my names on the RP server.

I think I’ll make a guild named “Seven Rang The Gong” to help find ER people.

(Nothing but love, Seven! I just think it’s the one event people will recognize short of referencing Lykis or The One Who Shall Not Be Named.)


Human Warrior
The Eleventh Hour, The Scarlet Order, Templars of the Rose, amongst others.

Love seeing all of these old names pop up! Just reserved the name Jarrick on Bloodsail Buccaneers and I’m excited to reconnect with old friends and foes once Classic releases!


Human Priest
Daggers of Varian/Last Bastion/Cry Havoc and Breaking Faces


YoOOO! I was in House of Amber Moon too!!! oh man, just seeing this comment made flip out haha


No. I don’t have the time for that sort of thing anymore.