Earthen racials revealed

No they dont have the dwarf one


Interesting Racials. Cool.


Earthen and orcs should be best friends because we both eat rocks :smiley:


Kinda neat, might consider rolling one :thinking:


Alliance continues to have the best racials in the game


Im considering it if they have good customisation, a good voice, and a good story.
They seem a pretty interesting race from the little weve seen.


Interesting to see an outright damage ability as a racial. It’ll either be a dead ability or clunkily weaved into your rotation?

Ingest Minerals is such a good QOL enhancement.

You know they’re for Horde too right?


Speaking of racials, Humans are losing their rep bonus racial :rofl:


Well, I’m pretty sure I won’t be rolling an earthen anyway, but if I do, it won’t be a paladin. Class mount looks like my neighbor’s goat with two Michelin all-terrain tires hanging from its ears.

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I think that was the point
Many were hoping for earthen to get a stoneform racial on them. But thats still alliance only


The cast time racial is either supremely OP or just worthless. There will be no middle ground here.

The food racial tickles my cheapskate heart but ultimately food ends up being super cheap and with the food buff thing we can put on crafted gear extending it and making it carry over from death, this is probably an insanely low quality racial overall. Similar with finesse. Probably only marginally useful in the super early days but once the market is saturated, otherwise useless.

The armor buff is good for tanks. Probably not on par still with dwarf or even NE meld/dodge.

XP for exploring is a laughable joke on par with the actual uselessness of diplomacy on a player who actually plays their character even semi actively. I didn’t think Blizzard could actually make a joke racial worse than diplomacy, but they done proved me wrong. Oh wait…incoming morons thinking an earthern dwarf is gonna hit world first leveler thanks to it incoming.

Mounts and mogs all look decent enough. Not a chance I’m maining one though


Wellp my Earthern is definitely going to be a paladin.


These guys are growing on me.


Bad move Blizz, bad move…

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They have quiet a few more hurdles to jump over before i consider maining one… but… theyre not actually out of the running yet.

And as the most boring addition to the game ever, thats pretty dang impressive of them.

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Well, they’re not taking over as a main just yet. But I am always happy to add another paladin to the flock. And they are more than worthy with that mount.

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What’s your neighbor have? Sports goat? :goat:


Titan-wrought frame is going to be really good in some content if it’s worth while. :confused:

Rest seems like whatever. Empowered racial CD is interesting but not for me.

Food just seems like QoL stuff, I agree with post above.

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I doubt they would ever take the position of a full time main for me.
Im just getting a bit bored of being an elf for 8 years (minus that year i was a vulpera :stuck_out_tongue: )

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why its going to be more easy to get rep now the only reason players max out humans first is the rep bonus