I’m 80, have Pathfinder, completed the campaign, opened the quest for the Earthen Race, did Surface bound and Renown of Khaz and no The Fleet Arrives. WTF? Am I missing something?
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can’t complete tww campaign achievement portion until the rest of it drops later today
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thank you very much
Well, its officially dropped and still can’t finish the Earthen quest. “The Fleet Arrives” is still missing…
Same, quest icon appears on the map but no actual quest.
Hi guys, I had the same problem however eventually the quest just appeared for me on the platform at 36,80. It was previously showing on the larger map at Foundation Hall.
Also, a blue post has stated that we will not be able to complete the quests to make the Earthen available until September 3.
Thats some BS, literally everything you see in game tells you it’s available right now. True Blizzard fashion to lie to us while lying about lying to us.