Earthen, Horde Paladin.......thanks for nothing

Been playing BE for almost forever as my Paladin. Tried Tauren a bit, Zan Troll a bit. Didn’t like either so back to BE.
Now we can play Earthen, so why not try that just for a change. I feel like I’m playing Alliance. If I wanted to play Alliance I would roll Alliance.
Jesus lets get more options for Horde Paladin already. I mean now that Tauren/High Mtn Tauren can be freaking rogues and Lightforge Dran can be freaking warlocks which makes NO sense to me, at least let any race that can be a Priest be a Paladin.
Look at Forsaken (which I would roll Pally in a heartbeat) whom were HUMAN at one point before they died, and can be Priests, be Paladin as an example.
Is this not obvious or not?
So sick of limited Pally options for Horde.
When my CD race change is up I’m back to BE, your’re welcome Blizz for the $$$ I wasted on this one.

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Man you coulda figured that out without spending money.


Well, at least the selection is a bit more diverse than Alliance’s. Here we get 2 flavors of fridges and 3 flavors of minifridges, oh, and human.


Non dwarf paladins have just yet to see the light. :joy:

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Same with me when I’m playing my Blood Elf Paladin. Has always felt out of place, but you seem to think it’s fine. Maybe with time the Earthen would work for you, too.

Need a paladin renaissance tbh.

More races with more unique lore for being paladins. Like how horde paladins generally have a thing for the sun. More of that but with different sources.

Night Elf/Nightborne/Worgen elune paladins.
Forsaken paladins raised in the light like Calia
Dracthyr titanic paladins.
Kul Tiran dawn/dusk paladins (because sailors have a lot of omens based on what the sun looks like at dusk and dawn)
Highmountain Sunwalkers
Darkspear prelates.
Vulpera paladins that have something to do with the desert sun

And so forth


Undead and Worgen Paladin would be neat, Night Elves too. Let’s just say that in BFA I was incredibly disappointed that the Night Warrior stuff didn’t open up Paladins to the Kaldorei.

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it was easiest to switch since their models are similar. the next race we will get are pink draenei for horde for more pally options lol

The horde never deserved a single paladin race anyways. Earthen are just a slap in the face to alliamce players

Give it time, they’ll open up other races soon

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Not to me they’re not.

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Yes they are. An alliance race turned welfare given to the horde.

If you liked dwarves youd have to go alliamce but not any.ore

Again, not to me they aren’t. Earthen aren’t dwarves.

Yeah these earthen never came from a mountain on Eastern Kingdoms so idk why anyone would think they’d be Alliance by default.

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Horde paladins are dumb and cringe. Always have been. Same with draenei shamans. Moment the soul of the game started to go down hill. “MUH BALANCERINO” shut up man

Thankfully I disagree. Both are cool

Not more so than this take.


I love my dwarf paladin, but I don’t play Horde much. I did create a blood elf paladin but haven’t leveled it yet.

The bearded ladies should have been your first warning things were going to suck.

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I mean, it’s just lord of the rings dwarves but stone.

Earthen > troll paladins