Earthen Dwarves are locked behind achievements. Just like allied races were during BfA/Legion

I’m pumped about earthen as well, to each their own, racials < flavor for me.

That’s possible. She is an inventor and has kobold minions. :8ball::robot:

As someone that hates the idea of Earthen Dwarves on the Horde, I almost wish they’d make the conditions for unlocking them even more difficult to decrease the likelihood some misguided Horde player creates one.

It would be thoughful of the developers if like the Arachnophobia filter, they could add a filter that removed the appearance of Earthen Dwarves on the Horde and replaced them with…any other Horde race.

I see it more like how Paladin works to cover Sun Walkers, Rezen’s Chosen, Blood Knights and Vindicators. Just lumping them all together under the Human and Dwarf banner of Paladins despite their origins and at times different ways of accessing said holy powers.

Most of them yeah. Vulpera and Kultrian would probably remain. Though if they made Kultrian just regular humans with a different accent it would have worked.

I was iffy on Dark Iron, Mag’har orc and Night Born but seeing as they put Eredar red skin for Draenei yeah they can just be a quest as well

But Void Elf, Meca gnome, HM tauren and LF Draenei should have been quest lines for Tauren, Gnome and Draenei to unlock more stuff. Then Earthen could be put here as well for Dwarves.

I think its fine to have to earn stuff in an MMO. This doesn’t seem egregious.


I won’t lie I’m glad someone is this excited for them. Even with races I don’t play I like seeing them around, and the Earthen do look really cool. I really hope they add the beards to regular dwarf women, it’s such a cool idea.

Good. That takes out months and months of gating.

Looking at this, if It’s true that NO REP OR RENOWN IS REQUIRED, Earthen can be unlocked in a casual day of playing.

Love seeing Blizzard learning from the mistake that was Legion/BfA gating for Allied Races.
PS: I have all Allied Races unlocked and earned them when they were current. It was not fun, It was heinous.


Yeah I think the new formula is just completing story stuff, which makes sense anyway and it’s something most players would do regardless.


Still at lot less of a slog and rep grind than the allied races in BFA when it was current content. This makes sense and is far more reasonable. Its content people will be doing regardless.


At least this doesn’t matter to me, won’t use one anyway. Last allied race I picked up was LFD. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

So the potential exists for me to just skip unlocking them? Sweet.

And they can stay locked. My unlocking of them will be an accident. Much like with the Mechagnomes. I sit at the current 60-character cap and not a single one is one of those. After they boost the cap to 65 not one of them will be Earthen either. Much more interested in the unannounced Harronir and the announced class additions to Dracthyr.

I’ve been doing quest chain after quest chain here if anyone knows at what point dwarves unlock. Mindless campaign trash is not my idea of fun- I just want to put this game up and not come back until this beta test is over