Earthen Dwarves are locked behind achievements. Just like allied races were during BfA/Legion

Heck, they’re barely even a race.

lol. True. But at least it sounds like they are planning on opening them up to other classes in the future

I think we’ll get access to static flight faster than Earthen, which is fine by me - I could honestly leave both of those behind.

What’s been my problem with the alliance allied races is how easy it can be to achieve these powers. Not like there couldn’t be void dwarves, mecha humans, or lightbound gnomes. Already see the night elves affected by ragnaros. :robot::thought_balloon:

There’s no clear point or consistency to allied races. They just chuck in whatever fits the current narrative, the only obvious rule being that they have to be related to an existing race somehow.

They’re not modern dwarves, their customizations and racials are not compatible with the latter. The things that the artists have been adding as new customizations for existing races post-SL are hair, eye, and occasionally skin colors, not stone skin and metal hair on a race that doesn’t normally have it. And again, if they were just customizations as opposed to a neutral race, then the Horde would get nothing in 11.0 unless someone at Blizzard decided to pull stone vulpera or something out of their butt.

Earthen were a mistake…


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Im routing for earthen to get the void skardyn options XD

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Hey im super excited for these guys :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean. They announced the race saying you’d need to finish the campaign and be max level didn’t they? I remember them saying that.

The side quest requirement is a little goofy imo unless their obvious. I usually do all the side stuff anyway though so :person_shrugging:

My problem with it is this:

It requires completing the lvl 80 campaign right? Well every other campaign has been timegates to last half the dang season. So will we not get to play the new race until half way through the season? When I am attached to my main? Or will the full campaign/earthen requirement be available sooner?

Id rather not wait until half way through the first season to play the new race. But I get it, we did that for the BFA races. Hell zandalari took half the expansion.

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They feel like an ok April fools joke from like 10 years ago.

They’re absurd to look at, they aren’t interesting, and they’re ugly as sin on top of being a 3rd Dwarf race that very few people are excited for.

You will probably never see anyone play them, and if you do it will be rare at best.

EDIT: I should say, people will try them out, but after that… gone.

And, they will stay gone unless their racials are bonkers broken. Which, Blizzard might intentionally do to get people to play them.


Blizz is going to Blizz, I don’t like them being locked but “allied race is different!”, sure. Glad there’s no rep grind, almost everything required to unlock them I’d probably be doing anyways.

I think they look amazing.
I love their customisation and ive wanted to play a race between the size of dwarf and human for ages now.
So far these guys are ticking all the boxes for me.
Ive even got my customisation planned out.

I just need to hear their voice lines and get to know their culture better before i decide if these are main material or not.


I believe you of all people are sincere about this.


Dont know why you would doubt me but

Thats my guy

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He’s not alone. I’m pretty excited.

The racials look cool.
Id have preferred mogu as my “made of stone” race but I’ll take earthen.
Bearded ladies are long overdue.

With this I can make my sisters DND character. She was a female dwarf with a beautiful beard cursed to slowly turn to stone.

It fits earthen almost perfectly. Like the aftermath of her curse.

He looks like he would take me in during a rain storm and offer me some ale and fresh baked bread (despite not being able to eat it). Hed give me words of wisdom that inspire me to solve my problem before leaving.

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He looks like a Dwarf with bad skin… like a LeperDwarf.

They’re far more interesting than most vanilla races. Which is probably a bit telling. Not that they’re OP or what ever, because I have no idea what the numbers are, even though they have 3 abilities which augment their combat powers… which is insane… but because Vanilla racials are terrible and need to be overhauled.

Nobody is going to play Earthen.

You are giving up one of the most powerful racials in the game.

They don’t have a Stoneform or Fireblood equivalent.

She looks like a supervillian

Eh, nah, the main campaign for DF was doable in like 10-20 hours, depending on how focused one was on completing it. I figure most will be done with it by the second day.

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Was it like that at launch? I totally forgot tbh