Earthen are worthless

I think I’m going to just use a race change token, these guys are trash. The 10% armor buff is alright, but the other racials are garbage. The heal/damage ability (azerite surge) barley does either. And the food (gems) that are about 10k a pop do not persist through death AND they are worse than regular food. No way to eat and heal outside of combat, either. Did they let anyone play them before release? they didn’t listen to any feedback if they did.

Big fail here, Blizz.


They dropped the ball big time with earthen.


The gem falling off after death gotta be a bug


They really did, I should put in a ticket to get my race swap back, but there is no way they refund it.

I have a thread with some constructive feedback on this. Instead of making new threads with minimal responses we need to just blow up that one so Blizz will notice

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I think it is. I thought the racial specifically says its a 1 and done