Earthbind totem location?

Hi–newer enhancement shammy here. I’m messing around with some loadouts today and got the earthbind totem on my hot bar, but can’t find it my spellbook or talent tree when I actually do a search for it.

It’s very odd. Where is it buried at if I want to search for it? It’s a shaman class spell or a talent tree spell? Is it baseline?

It’s a dumb question maybe I’m just tired but its eluding me.

Note that I’m trying to find it in the spellbook when it’s NOT activated, but it should be searchable in the tree. Where is it.

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I believe its baseline. The root totem replaces it in the shaman base tree

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Correct, earthbind is baseline under the “shaman” category of the spell book (as opposed to enhancement)

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I figured out what happened. While I was leveling, I replaced the earthbind totem with the earthgrab one in the talent tree. When I imported someone else’s loadout today, the earthbind totem reappeared in the spellbook. It’s been a while, almost year (panda remix.) Thanks I finally got it!