Earth shield overriding other friendly shaman's active shield

with cata being arguably top 3 best pvp xpacs, being a rsham is cringe when you try to heal other shams when earth shield overrides other existing shields on the friendly.

lightning shield has become an active part of ele/enh dps.

theoretically i could grief eles and enhs in pve too if i chose. overriding their lightning shield and causing stack loss.

could blizz not have this cringe mechanic be a thing?

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Have you tried not using earth shield instead of another heal? It’s pretty easy, been doing it since TBC

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hasn’t it always worked this way? each beneficial shaman elemental shield specifically says “only one active shield at a time”

otherwise why would any shaman go around without both Water and Lightning shield active?


I didn’t think that 1 person could have more than 1 shield on at a time. Since TBC, I could not give someone earth shield and another shammy give someone water shield. I know for sure, 2 shammys can’t give 1 person 2 earth shields so I’d think the same holds true with the others.
I will admit, I’ve never tried it because that does not seem like a smart idea anyway.

Is “cringe” your new word of the week?

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have you tried swapping earth shield to a friendly enhance/ele while theyre getting piped by an arms warr and dk in 3v3 and wish you could do so without causing counter-pressure loss? i didn’t want to clap back but that type of sarcasm makes you sounds like you’ve never played at any 3v3 matches over 1600. gauge the post topic and use your critical thinking, it’s a pvp post

sorry you’re bad at the game dawg

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The only potential change would be ‘earth shield fails to cast if you try to cast it on someone who already has a shield’.

Shields will not be stacking. The only option is whether you get to be in control of it or not, and I think it’s better to have the choice.


I mean this could be a change or the OP could read the tool tip and also learn how the spells actually work.

this has been around since tbc though, and if they have a brain they won’t overwrite your earth shield until they’re topped. Also i only earth shield lightning shield shams in extremely dire situations, never in pve because it messes up their parse.

Now the annoying part is when theres 2 rshams in a pve pug and some small-timer in greens is overwriting your Blood Furied, Trinket-procced, flametongued earth shield on the main tank with some junior level trash shield

edit oh its an arena thread? i could maybe see Resto/Ele+ an MS class in cata 3s? idk
we played triple sham 3s and double rsham 2s in wrath. couldn’t get either comp past 2100 but we are not amazing players. Multiple grounding and tremor really destroys certain comps though.

I feel like multi sham comps are just outlast comps, a Lightning Shield falling off will not make or break your pressure

doesn’t solve the issue of healing an ele/enh being piped by melee and not being able to utilize earth shield with their own lightning shield.

ive literally played at 3s rating above 2.4-2.7 across multiple xpacs from cata-legion. i like to believe i have basic game mechanic knowledge, and understand the difference between good design and cringe design.

most situations when players see blue

BRB, bragging about my game mechanic knowledge as I play a 3v3 comp with 2 shamans

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  1. yes
  1. nothing to prove anymore. literally 19 yrs on-off experience. playing off-meta is more fun
  1. yes. i am capable of pointing out poor fundamental design

  2. reddit soygoy energy in this thread instead of actual triple digit iq players