Earth Brewmaster: Can they even drink?

So we have data mining that suggests one of the Earthen racial abilities will be they can’t eat food but they can ingest minerals.

At first I was like “well then how will my Earthen Brewmaster work?” But then I thought maybe their brews and teas are all gem-based? And then I thought maybe drinking doesn’t count as eating food, so they eat gems and still drink beer.

What do you guys think? How does this work, lore-wise?

The most obvious speculation to me would be substitute traditional brews with a mineral equivalent. Since Earthen apparently eat rocks, give them brews that are either composed of gems and/or something similar, like lava or sand.

Alternatively, at least from a rp perspective, one could forgo brews entirely and substitute them entirely with gems. As long at the effect remains the catalyst shouldn’t really matter too much. One of my Monks was a confectioner and so I substitute her brews with special candies.

There may even be no need to contemplate this in the first place. Earthen may not derive sustenance from organic food and drink, but that may not necessarily include potions, which a Monk’s brews more closely resemble.


Magic of the monk.

One thing on these questions. Lore for the most part pretty much ignores the mechanics of what the player does. Hearthstones, being able to walk the streets of Stormwind unquestioned with demons and dangerous pets… conjuring traps,. that has no foundation in “lore” whatsoever.

The game world is an abstraction of lore, not a one to one depiction of it.