Earnable Wow Splash Screen Quests and Achievement

A suggestion for the Dev team to keep us ignorant meeple masses subscribed longer.
I’m pretty sure everyone has their favorite login wow splash screen. Ie. Wraths Frost Wyrm Sindragosa landing in front of Ice Crown or the Two giant Mogu Statues for Mists of Pandaria, etc. etc.
My idea is this:
A monthly short quest chain that lets you earn the login splash screen Starting with Vanilla WoW’s Dark Portal and it’s guardians.
Each month the quest rotates to the next Expansion in chronological order, hence next in line would be Burning Crusade’s Revamped Dark portal.
Currently before War Within, that would make 10 login screens to earn.
Upon learning and earning all ten login screens you gain an achievement and a reward that merits worth subscribing for 10 months to earn said achievement. (Mount/Transmog/Heirloom as potential reward).
This would help with player churn, quests do not have to be long, say a chain of 3-5 quests (after all we want devs working on expansion updates and raid tiers and would only be a one time investment by the devs to model the reward and quests.)
New expansions can be added to the achievement making it more difficult to achieve and making us peon subscribers have to sub longer to get that achievement.
There is the much loved FOMO, because if you don’t get the login screen quest done that month you will have to wait another full 10 months for it to come around again, hence insuring that at least a portion of your player base STAYS subscribed.
Players of course can stop collecting login screens at anytime once they have the one they really want (I want Vanilla, lol) but will likely do them any ways as part of monthly checklist of things to do.
For your consideration.