Many of my suggestions over the years are aligned with that desire as well.
However, I am trying to also provide feedback that caters to the dot/rot aspect of Shadow as well to the point where our periodic damage becomes scary again.
So in order to have a semblance of both Burst windows and Scary Periodic damage, you would have to sacrifice one aspect to push more power to the other.
To take a seesaw as an example, if it’s perfectly balanced then it’s not noticeable on either gameplay profile side. But if one side goes higher, the other side goes the opposite direction and goes lower.
So to apply that example to my ideas, I think Dark Ascension already catering to the Non-Periodic side of damage keeps your periodic damage flatlined.
Then if we made Voidform enhance Periodic damage only, then that would make your dots and Mind Flay and any Periodic damage ability become more impactful while keeping your Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death and any Non-Periodic damage flatlined.
The goal of my vision is that your Burst comes out swinging hard but for a short duration. Your scary periodic damage is required to ramp up to become scary and since Devouring Plague already is a Periodic damage spell and extends the duration of your Voidform, then if we make Voidform add a base amount of Periodic damage and in addition, add a stacking amount of increased periodic damage the longer you stay in that form would slowly make your periodic damage hit harder and harder until it ends.
So this would make a clear separation in primary talent builds with having talents that cater to Periodic and Non-Periodic damage which vaguely exists in some form already but it’s not fully realized and flushed out.
This would grant the player the choice in gameplay and you can always have an option for the type of content you need… fast pace burst or slow build up to scary rot damage.
I enjoyed not having a dedicated cooldown in MoP and WoD.
However, just like our current mobility in the displacement category in being very noticeably lacking, I think a similar outcome would be present if we did not have access to any damage cooldown enhancement.
The closest we got was a straight up passive damage boost across the board in Edge of Insanity PvP talent during Legion where you simply lost access to go into Voidform while also losing access to Void Eruption, Void Bolt and Void Torrent.
I simply don’t see a way they can somehow retain both a cooldown option of gameplay and a passive form of damage boost.
I mean I sort of have it halfway with the idea of merging your cooldown to activate when you use Halo for Archon suggestion, but it still uses your cooldown.
I suppose the other talent that increase your Halo damage by 30% might be an option where you can instead increase all damage by a much lower number but loose out of your cooldown? But if that happened, can you simply just avoid putting a talent into the cooldown in the first place? I think it will get really weird trying to mash that type of gameplay style into the current system without a major overhaul.
Regardless, it’s a difficult situation to work with.