Early Access

Hello, I’m kinda’ bummed that I won’t be able to play with all my friends on Thursday. I have early access but they don’t and it’s just awkward for both of us. It feels bad.

Could we think up another way to do this in the future?


The early access splitting groups is a bit sad, wow expansions are time when people want to come together even if it’s only for a couple days and explore the new expansion together. It feels a bit disconnected to want to make this a worse experience for many that don’t want to pay double the price of the expansion for 3 days.

Maybe having the possibility to invite someone else to it if you buy it could be something and I understand that it will probably make record sales simply because of it but I feel there could be a better compromise.


It’s strange to say this, but in other games, I usually don’t care about early access. However, for some reason, I’m feeling a bit sad knowing that we won’t all be starting together for the first time.


Another thing that is really rough right now is preventing spoilers. Our guild especially wants to talk about all the things but for those who don’t have early access are suffering.

I get that the servers have been benefited by having the game come out in two waves, but also I kinda’ miss having a BUTT TON of people on the server when it’s live - launch times are always really exciting with that.

I think Early Access was a good experiment to try but I don’t know if it was worth it because of these negative components.


I immensely enjoyed the division between a global release and a split.
There are so many benefits to those that decided to upgrade their game license and utilize their time spent in an efficient way.

Getting ahead of the game is such a compelling feeling.
Knowing that you get to bypass a lot of the profession creep, bloat of inventory, guides that can show you everything if you need it.
These are all cons and pros for both sides of the argument. Depending on how you look at it.

Is the Early Access release structure something that should happen every expansion?

I am glad I had the opportunity to get in early. 9/10