Eagle Mounts

Come one Blizz… Npcs been mounting Eagles since Wrath. I mean High-Mountain Tuaren are seen and used Eagle mounts. if you could add it like the wintersaber or bug mount where it takes month. Egg-Full grown. Or add a quest in old world where you help a eagle and she later joins you as a mount.
I and many other players would love a Eagle Mount. Maybe a undead Eagle too for those dead players too.
Please :slight_smile:


Gryphons kinda look like eagles
And this kinda fits the bill

Sure they aren’t eagles but they kinda have the feel of one a bit

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Been wanting an eagle mount since vanilla!
I really thought after Highmountain we’d see one…


I could have sworn we did but it might have been a pet

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Each race should have a flying mount to purchase.


you’re horde, you’ll probably get one. alliance will just get another horse.


Helicopters for gnomes, planes for mecha gnomes.

This is a good idea

No eagles lol ill be seeing LOTR memes lol

While Blizz is at it they could also introduce more collect X amount of mounts achievements. Last one was 400 and there are well over that now.

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I’m honestly surprised the eagles were not a Highmountain exalted vendor mount


They should have been for sure


Were they in Vanilla? Sorry, I did not play a lot of Classic.

It was a pet :confused:

Agree. Get to Exalted. You already there mostly if you unlock a allied race. Core races be easier as you can get the tabard.

As long the Eagle not the achievement mount… oh who am I kidding. Blizz would do that. ;p

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Almost feels like we get the reverse psychology treatment. :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s weird they didn’t do that. It’s like they had the perfect opportunity to add a unique and special mount and chose not to. Twice. I could understand if there was an issue with the model and it didn’t meet their standards. Then again Legion introduced the stormwing drakes and we got 1 or 2 and there were so many different ones out there. I never saw the logic. :frowning:


Nope, no flying mounts at all in Classic, except for flight paths. And those were all Gryphons and Hippogryphs for Alliance, Wyvern and Bats for Horde. But he still could have wanted them to add in Eagles, regardless.

To be fair the mount collector achievements have no unique skins, they are all recolours.
The thing that people hate most about those achievements actually works in favour of unique mounts not being locked behind them lol.

Funny enough, eagles weren’t introduced until the zul’aman patch of the burning crusade expansion . . . That’s right, through all of vanilla the only bird of prey to exist was the owl, with a normal version of the druid flight form filling in for ravens until cata I think.

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I want a sky horn eagle mount… nothing else feels right…

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Sorry… this is just something that irritates me to no end when I see people saying things like this on game forums and the like… when talking about models, “skins” is always synonymous with textures. So a unique recolor is infact a unique skin… what the achievements don’t provide is unique models… and when making requests to a company it really is important to not confuse the term, otherwise they will take it at face value and provide a “unique skin” to an existing model when what you were actually intending to request was a “unique model”

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