Eagle Eye Nerf?

From the listed 11.1 changes on wowhead:

-Eagle Eye, Changes your viewpoint to the targeted location for 1 min. Only usable outdoors.
Now a Marksmanship spell
Category changed from Abilities to Specialization

So… this means only Marksman hunters will have access to Eagle Eye? That’s pretty lame if so. I love using this to scout bases in pvp as Survival.

If this is a class fantasy change because Eagle Eye sound Marksman-y then that’s kinda lame. I always imagined Eagle Eye like you’re seeing through the eyes of an eagle like in the movie Beastmaster or Beastmaster in DOTA 2.

Please don’t nerf fun for no reason, Blizz. :pleading_face:

Yeah bad change, all three have a reason to use it excluding it being a basic hunter thing.

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Agreed. It seems like they’re trying to sell the Marksmanship eagle thing and in doing so taking a fun ability away from both Surv and BM.

It’s like when they made Survival the only one of the three specs that could use traps at the beginning of Legion to sell the trapper fantasy. Nothing was actually gained, only lost and same in this case. Lame af.

They also removed a lot of non combat fluff abilities years ago and it didn’t go well. They’ve slowly brought them back.

All this change does is force hunters to keep swapping specs outside of combat if they want to use the abilities. Bad change.

It’ll also suck to not have access to Eagle eyes to be able to spy from afar in BGs for pvp. I quite often used it in rated BGs in the previous expansion to act as a shot caller for my team while holding a base as a survival hunter. This way I could multi task and everyone who was fighting on point could be 100% focused on output.

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Yep. Agreed.

I’ll say again. Lame af.

Hopefully they revert this change before the patch goes live.