Dynamic respawns?

I remember Frostmourne launch pretty clearly in Coldridge Valley. There were hundreds of people, but respawns were fairly quick. Not to the point of mobs spawning on a pile of their corpses, but it there were dead wolves and trogs everywhere. Higher respawns were definitely in place back then - though this may be higher than I remember…

“But if it’s not authentic…”

It’s vanilla remade. You will never get an exact replica of vanilla.
And with 14 years gone by who really truly remembers exact details of how often mobs respawned.

Well let’s accept LFG too then, it’s more convenient !

I can’t deny that dynamic respawn is USEFULL in the starting area.
But after that, it’s not a hallway anymore, so it’s not necessary.


LFG was not a part of vanilla content so that’s not even a viable comparison.

Dynamic respawn code was in vanilla though. From what I understand and read it wasn’t turned on until later.

So you aren’t for no changes then?

If dynamic respawn was in vanilla, like a developer has said in an interview, then it is #nochanges.

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please be quiet

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Dynamic respawns were not in vanilla, they came in BC I believe. I’m not against them but they do need to tone them down a bit based off what I saw in this stress test. I saw in the undead starting zone respawns popping every 10 to 30 secs, that’s just to much and way to fast, NOW if you are a retailer that is what you are used to or even a vanilla vet and can remember that it wasn’t all that fun waiting forever to camp a mob just to lose the tag then you will at least agree that dynamic respawns are needed but only to a degree. But, Every 10 secs is just ridiculous, as it is now is garbage!

This forums community in a nutshell. Going again the words of an actual world of Warcraft developer, doing no research whatsoever, not even reading the comments stating this, and then comes in here and posts their incorrect information as fact.

Don’t change WoW forums


Do the words " static reset timer" mean anything to you? Show me which Warcraft developer said that dynamic respawn timers were in vanilla and then watch as he is proved wrong. Have a nice day :grin:

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There is no question whether or not dynamic respawns were in Vanilla. They were…in some type of form. That’s from the Team Lead and also one of the three designers. Both have said this.

So the only question is if it’s functioning in Classic like it did in Vanilla. Really only Blizzard knows. I’d appreciate a clarification in a Blue post. Clearly this is a feature they just added. It wasn’t in the Beta or past stress tests. So, like sharding, they just kinda snuck it in. I think an explanation would be nice.

Think of it more like a dial where you can turn it up or down.
LH turned it up a bit too high a few days after their launch to deal with the crowds. They did apologize on the forums and explained how it worked and once they were able to see it in action were able to tweek it so that it worked based on number of players in the area. After that it worked really well.

Im at supper right now but don’t worry I get home I’ll link you to where a dev literally said it was in vanilla

Here’s a cached view of one of Mark Kern’s (one of the original devs) tweets on the subject. The tweet appears to have since been deleted, which may be why you cannot find the actual source.


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It felt overtuned for me. Like they were throwing quest mobs right in front of me. Not what I expected nor how I remember it. Hopefully we can get some clarification on this

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If dynamic respawns were in the game in Vanilla they certainly weren’t like they are in this stress test. If you can AOE a big group of mobs on a frost mage and they all respawn before you can finishing drinking to full again…that’s not Vanilla-like.

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Yea im not really that into the old days which was standing around complaining about how long it took for the quest mob to respawn, everyone getting annoyed and then some douche zipping in and snagging him so we end up waiting another 10 minutes.

I get why you might enjoy that, but I also get why some people enjoy eating poop, its still dumb.


Well I mean it’s a stress test. It’s entirely likely many things are tuned to facilitate server stress. I get being wary that this could make it to launch, but realistically it’s probably specific to this stress test.

Nvm someone did it for me, expecting radio silence from you from now on

Relax, breathe in, realize they may have turned up re spawn to stress the server, breathe out.

But sure, proceed to agonize over every minute detail for the next 18 days because “No ChAnGeS.”

Deep breathes everyone, deep breathes.

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