Dynamic respawns?

Yeah, this is totally like it was in Vanilla. :roll_eyes:

I totally remember barely moving in the noobie yard because the same thing I just killed spawn right back on top of its corpse instantly.

I totally remember a carpet of six Samuel Fipps corpses, with the seventh one jumping around waiting to be killed.

I totally remember farming rare spawns one after the other (with some of them being up two at a time).

It’s overtuned. They may be trying to dial the rate in, but this whole dynamic spawn thing is a marked departure from prior tests, and there hasn’t been a peep about this prior. The “overspawn” conversation was contextually different- this is straight up dynamic respawning like we see on pservers. Blizzard is suddenly pivoting with barely two weeks to go, and apparently only a two-hour stress testing window to fine-tune it.

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This isnt really dynamic respawn.

Its more of the game realizing all the mobs are dead of a certain kind, like when everyone is killing the wolfs for the 1st quest in dwarf area, The game picks up that all the wolfs are dead so it speeds up there respawn.

They are not respawning because of the amount of people, they are simply respawning because the game sees that all the mobs of a specific type are dead.

This is not what dynamic respawn is.

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This might just correlate with the population. There is such a thing as “Spawn x number of monsters at a respawn rate of x if x number of players are in this zone.”

It has nothing to do with the population.

Population isnt effecting respawns. Thats what dynamic respawn is, this isnt that.

I posted what this was above.

I just want to know if this was for the test or if this is going live, because it felt like RETAIL garbage.


This, right here. And yet people are happy because they can speed through the noobie yards in quick fashion (solo, no less- so much for community?). Not only does it feel like retail, it’s trending that way too.


Now I understand how Method can claim to down Rag in 7 days. I really hope this doesn’t go live. This is retail garbage.

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It’s a stress test, not early access. You aren’t beta testing authenticity, you’re crowding together and stressing the server to see if you can break it.

This isnt dynamic respawns…you guys are silly.

I get that, but this is a system that is being deployed seemingly at the 11th hour (the final stress test). This isn’t the same as just cramming the bodies into the zone. Much of the complaints voiced about the prior stress test were that it took time to quest due to the respawn rate of the mobs (my god, think of the children!). Now, Blizzard appears to be caving to the point of ridiculous respawn rates. Hopefully they are just testing something else and the respawn rates are to keep people logged in with things to kill or something. If they’ve only given themselves two hours to test a new respawn system, odds are it will be shot by the time this thing launches for real.


Call it what you want, I call it garbage. Didn’t feel at all like the last test and definitely not a vanilla throw back. Everyone literally flew through the starting zones. But wait, we can only go to lvl 15 for this test…hmmm. DIDNT EVEN NEED A GROUP.

This is in all likelihood just to keep people logged in, in combat, and breaking stuff.

You never “needed” a group in vanilla to get out of the starting areas or to get lvl15…

You only needed to group back then for elite quests like Hogger or the Yeti in the dwarf area.

Most of the people testing are hyped and have a premade group, they usually arent testing now to just level. they are making sure addons are working and fixing their leveling paths.

As to what is going on with the mobs i really cant remember if this was in vanilla or not.


And you shouldn’t have needed a group… Just like Vanilla was.

I think they turned it on a bit after the initial servers went up, cause i was logged in and like 100 people were all running around tryin gto get tags on mobs that didn’t exist.

I logged in a bit later and it was a fairly normal amount of time to kill first quest mobs, even with the population. Respawns were definitely (and I mean WAY) better!


Lets hope so. If not it will make the leveling process so much easier and faster.

Don’t be deliberately obtuse here. No one is claiming that you need a group to down the mobs in the noobie yards. But the whole point of an MMO is that when you attempt to do a bottleneck quest like Samuel Fipps, you group up to share the spawn. You meet people, make friends, or even just foster that sense of community and cooperation.

Nope, dynamic respawns- Oprah’s handing out unique spawns to every person in the zone.


From what I remember them saying, dynamic respawn worked basically as:

  1. Check to see every mob of type ____ is dead. (Keep in mind linked spawns)
    If so
  2. Respawn the mobs.

A lot of people say that dynamic respawn is brillant but they can’t tell if it was like this during Vanilla

So, when it’s convenient, players don’t care if it’s a #Change ?

I can’t deny that it will allow an easier start but having those absurd respawn rate even on named is really weird.

Well, well, well. So the stress test turned on dynamic respawn and from the looks of it people are happy about it.

That’s what pservers did and I posted here that it gave a much better experience.

Can I say it now…“TOLD YA SO”

And no…dynamic respawns did NOT botch up the economy on pservers.
With more people you should have more resources. It balanced out in the end.

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Mob spawing faster = don’t need to group to be effecient i just have to camp a mob spawn

Mob normal spawn rate = having to group to be effecient, may engage a conversation with the others while waiting the respawn

Yes it provide a smooth experience. But if it’s not authentic…

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