Dying in Ogri'la forge camp wrath takes you to Raven's wood graveyard

Dying in forge camp wrath still takes you to the Graveyard in Raven’s wood with no way back to Ogri’la. This needs to be fixed. There are multiple posts about this over the past 2 weeks that have been ignored!


so wait, this is a problem for horde too?

Just happened to me for the third time today. I almost flipped my keyboard.
Forced to take rez sickness. It’s maddening.

I would farm the other demons but they’re not as kiteable.
Seems like a fairly easy fix.

Same here, This is the 3rd time this has happened.

As a plate wearing tank that carries both my tanking and DPS set taking a spirit rez is nearly 40g. Can someone get off their butt and actually fix these bug that have been in the game since the phase released?

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