Dying in 2 globals in PvP is Horrible Game design, and because of it, I am so done with this game!

I have 3360 HP in full T1 gear and a few BWL pieces now.

Back Stab hits for 1529 critical

Ambush hits for 2164 critical.

Please explain how this is acceptable balance to you devs? I am so done with this game!


It’s hysterical you say this, because that’s not even as hard as rogues were hitting in patch 1.7 of actual vanilla.

MMOs have never and will never be balanced around or for solo experiences. Make some friends.


That’s because you are pvping in PvE gear.


I would like to be alive long enough to have counter-play, your comment is moot…

Rouges get first strike advantage, if I die in 2 globals, its is literally impossible to have any.

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There is no reason you should be expecting to able to have counter play. What is that based on? Rogues are literally meant to be shadowy assassins. Sorry, in my last post I shortened MMORPG to just MMO assuming you understood that an RPG means classes have identities.

PvP gear isnt going to change much. Unrealistically, max HP I can obtain is a little over 6000, and that is with rings and other jewelry that is usually reserved for tanks. So instead of dying in 2 hits, its 3 MAYBE 4 hits.

with my warrior i have 7-8k hp with some generals plate gear now and still got killed in 3 seconds by a druid

You got screenshots of that damage op? I’m skeptical.

oh bubbah no


I couldve 1 tapped you on my hunter with Aimed shot with that amount of HP… back in actual vanilla, not even SOD.

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i mean i saw the number you were saying your hp was at and did a double take.

couldnt believe it was that low honestly.

invest into some pvp gear my friend.

It’s not a pvp game its a pve game. They balance for pve as it’s the main priority. PVP comes second as you can see from the “balance”. Check out cata or tww arenas if you care to pvp! Hope you have a great day Drlobotomize :people_hugging:

PvP gear is helpful, as it has more stamina than your PvE gear is going to have.

shoulda rolled orc

This how wow pvp supposed to be, retail pvp is horrible now due player like you…

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Like going off my own numbers the only way that damage is really possible with the pvp DR is if the rogue in question: a) has a berseking buff, b) chugging like a 100g in consumables, c) absolutely BiS 5 pc zg 4 t2 with perditions blade, or d) some combination of the three. in any of those cases you deserve to lose for being unprepared/undergeared

I agree i’ve always wanted it to be real team play fighting that would last 30+ seconds. It’s just blink your eyes and it’s over. Give us 500k or health each time you enter a BG.

Yeah don’t do that unless you want to waddle in dk slows and roasted by affliction locks or shadow priests.

Maybe go play cata, even retail players played to play retail don’t want to do it.


You beat me to it, those are indeed Childs numbers, wait till he gets stabbed by a naxx rogue.

Excluding MoP when has PvE ever been even remotely balanced? I played Vanilla to When I quit retail a little over a year ago my man, outside of MoP PvE has always been imbalanced, I dont even know why they even bother either since DPS /Healing values dont actually matter at all so long as the raids get cleared and the greedy little loot gobblins get their trinkets.

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