As soon as we walk forward we die, and hear the “you fell too far” sound effect despite being on the walkway
Same thing happened to my group
Same in my key also. Once you try to run across the bridge insta-death
Bumping post. Get on this blizzard
Same issue here. Went back to back to back on main and one time with alt and the death bridge proves too much of a foe
Adding to this, seems that the bridge is not loading correctly for some reason. Not sure if the LFR instance is triggering prog correctly.
Adding to the pile. Happened to our instance also.
logs just say you died, no damage from anything specific
Same thing to my group, it was hilarious watching everyone trying to figure out how to get through
yup same here. blizz needs to fix this fast
Still happening went in 2x and both times bridge is #1 boss
same here i also submitted a bug report ingame
Here to bump the post. Just did LFR wing 3 Anduin dies cant cross bridge. Insta death. Its past April 1st but this would have been a great joke then. Tier has like the worst drop rate so we need these bosses plz
Same issue here. Happened to our LFR group as well. As soon as we tried crossing the bridge it insta killed us all. I hope this gets fixed soon.
My 1st group had the bug but the group my hunter just did was able to get across fine.
Additionally, the LFr queue is popping after Anduins defeat.