DX11 Crossfire - any workarounds?

I’m trying to setup WoW for a friend on an older computer. The computer is about 10 years old, running a 2500K @ 5Ghz and 2x Radeon 6870 in Crossfire. The CPU is still decent, especially with the good overclock. Obviously a GPU upgrade makes sense at this point, but with the current inflated GPU prices, we were hoping to get by for a while with the existing GPUs.

The main issue with Crossfire (at least with these cards) is that it has issues in games that don’t use exclusive fullscreen. WoW dropped the option for exclusive fullscreen starting with the BFA prepatch several years ago. When running the game in a borderless window (WoW’s version of fullscreen), only one GPU is used.

WoW used to have great Crossfire support. I, for many years, ran 2x 4870x2 in quad crossfire. I had moved on from those cards by the time fullscreen was removed however.

My backup computer is still using 3x GTX680 in SLI. SLI doesn’t seem to have any issues running in a window, as I see consistent usage on all 3 GPUs.

Has there ever been a workaround found, or any kind of hack, that can make Crossfire work without exclusive fullscreen (aka current WoW)?

I know very little about Crossfire Gotnorice. Someone may chime in here yet. You could also post over on the Hardware forum.

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