DX 12 Windows 7 vs DX 12 Windows 10 for WoW

This was a quick little theory I tested before I got tired for the night but if anyone interested in more I might continue

I done this quick as possible because I am tired

Since the introduction of DX 12 for Windows 7 thanks to Blizzard

I decided to see a difference FPS wise between Windows 7 and Windows 10 in DX 12 for WoW, since DX 12 gives much better performance

Microsoft says Windows 7 is incompatible with Ryzen/modern Intel chip like a 9900k or 8700k, but you can still install it and get a work around no problem

No you don’t need to hack Windows 7 to make it work… all you need is the drivers from your official motherboard website.

For example, I use Asrock


moving on, this is to prove I have Windows 7 on my Ryzen PC running properly

Latest drivers for my Vega Frontier, 32 GB of DDR4 CL14 3200, Ryzen 2700x running at stock speed

Now, I play at 4k, my FPS would be different if I was at 1440p/1080p

On Windows 10 using DX 12

My FPS sitting in Boralus on a populated alliance realm, my FPS averages 70

Windows 7 on DX 12, it took me about an hour to get WoW set up and drivers installed, with the same addons installed on Windows 10 setup

I’m not sure about raiding with a big group yet but between windows 7 and 10, I gained 10 more FPS with windows 7 thanks to DX 12

If you have doubts you can click on the images, compare it to the screenshot file names on my first screenshot, they both have the exact same last 6 digits

Tomorrow if anyone interested I wi ll do world boss fps comparisons but have MSI overlay displaying, I apologize for not doing that with these screenshots

But overall this was just a curious thought about if WoW performs better for people who still use Windows 7 and enable DX 12, and I would believe so

there are big differences when you play a game that
was completely build in the DX12 technology
and the one who was just optimized to use the DX12 technology
THAT is why play WoW with DX12 doesn’t show big performance differences
actually WoW run better in DX11 because that is the technology was build on it


DX 12 has multi core support

Dx 11 doesnt

DX 12 gets better fps vs dx 11

WoW was not built on DX 11 either… It too was also optimized

Vanilla WoW started on DX9 which no longer supports WoW

it was built with
the beautiful sunrise
in the swift raptors
with meaningful smiles
and fellow melons and strawberries
i am legend

Are you ok? lol

it might have been a joke :rofl:

this should not have been flagged.

whoever flagged this needs some thicker skin.

probably the same people who flagged you on the other thread


I flagged it because I have a tiny… sense of self worth.

(jk though, I don’t flag anything unless someone is ACTUALLY being a jerk and breaking rules, I don’t even flag people who call me names lol)

I’m certain You know who it was. They probably did it with their multiple accounts


I think for lore reasons I’m supposed to hate you.

Or something. /Growl

Reported for racism!

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