Dwarves version 3.0 now with girl beards

I would have rolled an Earthen if they could be death knights just for kicks and giggles.


Itā€™s disappointing they pulled that given Death Knights are supposed to be a universal class that every race can be but at the same time they are backtracking on the potential of Paladin, Druid and Shaman for all so I canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised like surprised.


Same with classes. There were several highly requested and lore accurate options. Instead they pulled an entirely brand new race out of their dookers and made a class no one asked for.

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Youā€™re on a public forum where everything you post can be viewed by everyone. This is not spying at all.


Fortunately gems stick through armor. At Blizzcon it seemed like they would not.

(pic was taken for a different thread but its fun i found a second use for it :stuck_out_tongue: )

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I would love to see something completely new. Or if going to add a race that resembles a similar race, make them way more different than just a slight altering.

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I did

We still can

You have to factor the unlock into your analysis

Mechagnomes have great racials

Draenei is not popular

Its an armor issue

Or at least wearing mogs that show off some skin like the Blood Troll set or the Ragged Gladiator set.

I donā€™t have a DK on Alliance-side and had planned on making an Earthen DK to RP being an Earthen from Northrendā€¦ but Blizzard backpedalled on that.

I just dont like em :^)

I think the big selling point was that it was supposed to bring dwarves to the horde, specifically. It was kind of a big deal when they got their elves back in BC but Iā€™m not sure it was as warmly received as they thought it would be. :woman_shrugging:

The last time they gave us something ā€œnewā€ we got the abominations that are dracthyr.

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girl beards

We have come full circle back to Warcraft Adventures.

People, particularly Tolkien fans, have been asking for female dwarf beards for a long time. What I think Blizzard failed on is Dwarves were (before they became the meta) the most underplayed race in general, so adding another subset of them wasnā€™t really asked for.

Not I.

At least they used it as an excuse to give females more masculine features. Because muh female dwarves have beards. They could have just made ogres.

Ogres for the Horde!

No I donā€™t want a third dwarf race, I want more customizations and body types for the original race. Stop doing copy paste allied races that take customizations away from both please.

Blood elf/void elf
Night elf/nightborne

Should all share customizations especially hairstyles. I want the mechagnome hairstyles for my gnome!


Tbf skin made of stone, metal wire hair, and gems sticking out of the body are not customisation that belong on a dwarf.

These options only work on an earthen.

Iā€™d be way more excited about shared hair styles than I am for Earthen.

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To be fair, I didnā€™t really want Earthen to begin with, but Iā€™m sure they are someoneā€™s dream race. The appeal was always going to be hit or miss depending on the person. As far the females having beards, I donā€™t really care. Itā€™s fine.

Iā€™m pretty excited about the lady beards. I hope dark iron and ironforge dwarves also get them in a future update.

But yeah there are races I wouldā€™ve thought of first. I hope we get the new troll-elves and neuribians