Speaking for myself, I’m quite sincere in my desires here.
I get the feeling Blizzard is going to have to issue a ton of name violations once this goes live lol.
/metal anklebiter enters the room
i want faery gnomes with wings, floaty like paimon from genshin impact, so i can irritate people in a more fashionable, light-hearted way. frivolous fun.
really? hmm, mog issues?
Imagine what the reactions would have been if they had made a second group of Vulpera playable. It would definitely have been different from the reaction to a third, hideously ugly dwarf clone.
Girls have beards ?? if not , then what a girls beard
Probably but plenty of races have mog issues
Not surprising in the least that a vulpera player would eat this sloppa up.
It’s a pretty good race to trigger snowflakes.
Say it with us
Yes, cheap dwarf recolors number three definitely don’t have to be playable and should at most serve as a customization option, just like Wildhammers.
Should of given all Fem Dwarves Beards not just the lame stone ones.
Welp considering the racials are completely awful that would probably not be a wise bet.
Lots of us were, because we’re stuck on the stupid Alliance to have the mandatory overpowered racial.
Initially, a lot of people who would rather be playing Horde were delighted at the prospect of a neutral Dwarf race.
Problem is… Earthen AREN’T a Dwarf race, because unlike Dwarves AND Dark Iron Dwarves, they don’t have the Dwarf racial.
Which makes the entire thing a waste of time.
I bet half of yall wouldnt be complaining if it was another blood elf reskin
The devs should finally just make all races neutral and available to both factions. That way, players wouldn’t be forced into a faction they don’t even like. It annoys me in several cases.
As for dwarves, I personally think that Dark Irons fit better in the Horde anyway, but whatever.
That’s what allied races SHOULD have been. Defias Humans for Horde, Grimtotem Tauren for Alliance, Dark Iron Dwarves for Horde, Royalist Toady Forsaken for the Alliance, etc.
Blizzard blew it, big time, with allied races. (Bullwinkle? Really?)
No, with this, allied races would have been even worst. Other races like Taunka, Ogres or Jinyu should have been an allied race.
As a Greco Italian who is always battling unwanted hair, I can’t imagine any normal person wanting to play a female w facial hair. I do have a theory on those that want this, but it will earn me a forum ban.
I really like the Earthen. I just wish their racials weren’t garbage.
I feel like this is almost everything Blizzard does. Blizzard: We think you guys’ll LOVE this!! Players: This is crap.
Case in point
Because they are all just reskins.
It’s like, given the choice between 2 options, Blizzard asks themselves “Which is the least cool option?” And then they pick that one. That’s how they decide what to develop.
I got bad news for you- Making those a playable race will cost Blizzard and extra $0.50 of development cost so they won’t do it. Not in the budget. Too hard. Doesn’t matter what players want. Lmao