Just, playing around with the new Algarian Storm mount and the Stormrider set. Like I don’t know which would fit better? Because in TWW we’re getting Hero Talents and Mountain Thane seems pretty shocking. Pun intended.
Warrior. Shaman is overrated.
Why not both…very awesome looking race and class in Mail and Plate Armor…
Agree with both, dwarves are top tier and worth the room
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As an ex shaman, never make a shaman
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paladin, all 3 warrior specs are poop and enh is doing well but isn’t the greatest
If you want to just feel like you’re riding the lightning all the time, pick warrior for next expansion. Shamans get plenty of lightning, but you’ll also be throwing fireballs and totems and earthquakes, and it doesn’t sound like you want all those other elements.
I mean, I wouldn’t necessarily mind. Personally I wish Shaman could tank and wear Plate and they’d be perfect but, they can’t.