This is admittedly a pretty trivial thing to annoy me. But it does. Why is the dwarf heritage armor called Heritage of the Bronzebeards? Not Heritage of the Dwarves or Heritage of Ironforge or something. Something to be a celebration of the race and not just the royal family. All the other heritage sets are named for the race itself. Don’t dwarves deserve some kind of identity outside of their biggest superstars?
Sweet looking set though. Glad I finally unlocked it.
It’s not the family name alone, Bronzebeard encompasses all the mountain dwarves, ergo the dwarves of Ironforge.
The Royal family name is also the same as the clan name. The same is true for wildhammer i believe. The only one that doesn’t follow this is Dark Iron
Yeah, all regular playable non DI dwarves are members of the Bronzebeard clan. There may be sub clans within the greater clan but they all claim Bronzebeard membership.
I look dope. FOR KHAZ MODAN!!!
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Oh hey, you’re right.
Well that solves that dilemma for me. Cheers.
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Along with what everyone else said, the last person to wear the armor before you re-create it was Aegrim Bronzebeard, ancestor to Brann, Magni, and Muradin. So, there’s also that.
What everyone has said plus the fact that of the Three clans only Wildhammer are not playable and the DI already have their HA… So… 
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There are 3 major Dwarf Clans: Bronzebeard, Wildhammer and Dark Iron.
Playable non-Dark Iron Dwarves are Bronzebeard.