Dwarf Shamans & Tauren Paladins?!

I heard a rumor that I made up, something about a sunwalker tauren paladin and dwarf shaman that traveled from the future on the back of a time dragon to SoD alternate timeline/universe. I guess that means shamans for alliance and paladins for horde.

Please add Tauren rogues anywhere!

‘Holy Cows’ are an abomination and I will personally latch each and every one of them to a pyre and set it alight myself.

Dwarf Mages :white_check_mark:
Guh-nome Priests :white_check_mark:
Troll Druids :white_check_mark:

Yep! We are also getting fox people and pandas!

Why they went with tauren paladins over undead paladins i will never understand.

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I couldn’t agree more. Hell, SM has a “Forsaken Champion” in SM GY. Undead are just Humans, so it would make more sense for them to have a holy background, and still hold on to their teachings, just in the way of the forsaken.

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